Surprise !!

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Subhadra ran. Why ? She was about to throw up. Where is a chamber pot when you need one ?

She could hear Kunti's voice running behind her. Further away, she could her Gandhari's voice. But she couldn't answer. If she did, you-know-what would come out instead.

The chamber pot was a sight for sore eyes. There was no easier way to say this. She threw up into the chamber pot. Kunti reached there in the nick of time, and patted her back to ease her.

She just finished washing her mouth, as she heard her bua say,"Better, putri ?" She nodded in positive, sighing. But then she looked up. Her visions was blurring. Her body felt weightless, and she started falling.

Arjun just reached there when he saw his priye starting to faint. He caught her just as she fell down and lost consciousness.

Kunti was in a panic. "Call the Rajvaidya !! Quickly !!" Gandhari too, was aghast. "Hurry dear Nakul ! Go bring the doctor. Arjun dear, carry her to the nearest bedchamber, will you ?"

Unfortunately, the Rajvaidya was unavailable, as he himself was sick. Given to the fact that Duryodhan was in charge of the kingdom, all citizens had to drink contaminated water, as their Crown Prince had been neglecting their health.

Hence, Arjun had to take drastic measures. A plan which was fobidden to use under the laws of righteousness. He had to call Nakul. Nothing personal. Just that Nakul would spend half of the time questioning Arjun rather than checking the patient.

By now, the entire family had gathered outside (since they couldn't fit inside. Come on. They have more than 100 dudes living there.)

Nakul came in like a hero figure. Arjun rolled his eyes.

He took a sample of blood from Subhadra's index finger, and added it to some solution.
While mixing he said,"If this turns red, it's bad news, it it turns blue, then its really bad news."

Guess what ? The solution turned blue. All the color drained out of Arjun's face. He expected the worst. But Nakul shook his hand "Congratulations", he said formally which was most unlike him. Arjun was even more confused now.

At that moment, a thought crossed Kunti's mind. Knowingly, she glanced at Gandhari, who was also looking at her (yeah know she's blindfolded, but an instinct). Both of them started to smile. Kunti put her hands on both of her cheeks and exclaimed, "Oh my Gods !!" Draupadi caught on too. She covered her laughing face with her hands with glee.

But the guys (with the exception of the twin docs) were still clueless. "Nakul, tell them." Told his mother. Nakul sighed. "But didn't brata Arjun understand ?" "It's his first time putr." Came her reply. "Oh. Right." Nakul turned towards Arjun. "My dear, innocent brother," Arjun raised his eyebrow questioningly. "Let me give you a clue. In nine months, there will be a new member in the house." A glint of recognition flashed across Bheem and Yudhishthir's face. Yudhishthir turned towards a soldier - "Please distribute sweets across the palace on the behalf of us. You all must too, have it." Smiling, the soldier bowed and left the chamber.

"I don't think clues will work." Decided Kunti. "We need to tell him the straight answer - Putr Arjun, you are going to be a father !"

"What ? R-really ?" He said looking at Nakul. He got a vigorous nod in answer. Arjun got up and took blessings from all the elders. Bheeshma, Dhritarashtra, among others, were announced of this development. Bheeshma's joy had no bounds. He rushed in and hugged Arjun. " I am sure Pandu would have been proud today, son. I know he would." Arjun turned to Nakul. "But then why did you scare me with the whole red-blue color thing ?" Nakul answered, laughing, "It's called gender reveal dear brother. Red means a girls and blue means a boy. And you're getting a son !!" Arjun hugged his brother.

Just then, Subhadra stirred. "What happened ?" Kunti sat on her bedside. "You are going to give me a grandchild putri." She answered stroking her head. "R-really ?" Kunti chuckled. "Yes Subhadra. You are going to be a mother soon."

There was a complete uproar in the palace after that. Everyone's attention was then completely on Subhadra.
Suddenly, everyone was interested in what she ate, what she did her medications and Gods know what else. It tired her out even more.

When she dared to utter the words,"I'm sleepy", there was a sudden blast of voices questioning, "Did you take meds ?", "Are you hungry ?", "Is it hurting anywhere...?" The list just goes on and on. The only person who asked all the questions was Arjun. Gods he was so overprotective. Subhadra wondered if he was her father or her child's !!

Her pregnancy of course had to be informed in Dwarka. She just hoped Dau wouldn't come. His definition of happiness.......well...let's just say it was painful.

Soon it was time to return home. The Kauravas had behaved fairly well with them which was strange but also refreshing. You can't deny your happiness when your psychopath cousins don't try to burn you alive (cough again cough) So they set off for Indraprasth....

That's all for now. Personally, its so boring that even I am getting tired of writing this. After one chapter of a VERY important event (which had terrible consequences) I'm gonna rush to the exile. (Great stuff planned for it.)

Signing Off,

Invisible Dragon.

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