Chapter 9: Little Mermaid

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🧜‍♂️Little Mermaid🧜‍♂️


"One thing I notice when people do speeches in public is sometimes their word choices don't match with the audience or the mood. For example, saying nefarious or mellifluous in front of elementary students, or when you're being touchy with your partner and you accidentally touch his or her legs and went "You have sarcoma?" Like you should've kept your mouth shut..." with gradually increasing humor.

"So today, we'll be guessing the meanings of some unfamiliar words...I have a notepad here that is filled with words." She shoveled into her pockets. "And just..." and tried to take out the notepad.

The struggle was evident on her face as she furrowed her eyebrows. She stood up to adjust, digging deeper into her pockets.

"Your tea's going to get cold, Helio," Rijo mumbled which caught my attention.

I raised both of my brows, confused. It quickly came to me what Rijo was talking about.

"Oh, this? It's already finished...The taste- it's okay, I guess. Better than last time." I gave a comment out of nowhere. Even frowning didn't show on my face.

I guess friends buy their friend food or drinks. Come to think of it, Sage buys me coffee.

"That's good," he beamed softly and returned to Ms. Aelyza, continuing the worries.

"Should we help her?" Clarity mumbled.

"Nah, she got that," Tori answered for the rest again.

Lightened mood greeted her when finally had a grasp of the notepad. Then raised it to the air as if she was in triumph.

"Guess!" We saw a notepad colored in every part of the rainbow.

"You first, Helio." I expected to be called first.

"Guess the meaning of the word 'defibrillator'" She recited like a host in a prime-time gameshow.

"A device used for applying electricity to the heart so that it can return to the normal heartbeat," I delivered without any stammering.

"Very good! Then what's the meaning of CPR?" She acted like a terror raising an eyebrow to seem intimidating.

"Cardiopulmonary resuscitation," answered with a straight tedious face. Showing how easy the questions were.

Ms. Aelyza squealed, "Okay~!" before spur-radically snapping her fingers as if taunting everyone of the confidence I made.

"Freshies and even sophies, learn from Helio. Okay...?"

"I thought it was chest pressure..." the room became quiet, "and an R," Noah voiced innocently.

After the pause Clarity burst out laughing, "What!? Like chest pressure resuscitation!?" She held her stomach as if she was about to die. There were laughs between every word she said.

Normally, laughs were contagious. I don't know about this one. She was squeaking like hoarse or should I say horse. What even is funny about not knowing the meaning of an abbreviation?

"See? This is because we train, we correct those misconceptions." Ms. Aelyza didn't even bother noticing Clarity.

"Your next Clarity." Ms. Aelyza's voice didn't change from being enthusiastic but somewhat it was lesser.

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