Catch Up

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[{(P.S. Fred didn't die. I wasn't going to include the twins initially but this story works better with them in it so they are included.)}]

What most of them found out during the reunion party was the fact that Harry and Blaise had already tied the knot. They had gotten married the year after meeting again. Blaise officially adopted Teddy and moved back to stay with Harry. In the years leading up to their little reunion the Zabini surname had started to grow a reputation for luxury hotels, resorts and venues. Harry had chosen to take Blaise's surname as a way of saying goodbye to who he used to be as a Potter.

Hermione and Draco started seeing a lot more of each other after the reunion. It was a slow process because Hermione didn't want to rush anything for the sake of her kids. After a few months Hermione and Draco got married in one of Blaise's overseas locations. It wasn't much of a hassle avoiding the press because Harry let Draco use his invisibility cloak. Hermione's clothing brand was well known but she stayed out of the public eye so she didn't have to worry about avoiding press.

Their twins, Freya and Scorpius, were given the role of flower girl and ring bearer accordingly. Hermione had Ron and Harry as part of her wedding party and Draco had Pansy and Blaise. The rest of the guests were invited as normal guests. No plus one allowed since they were only catering for their family and friends. A total of 19 people, not including Draco's father who was still in Azkaban serving time for his part in the Hogwarts battle.

Draco and Hermione had another baby not long after getting married and the twins' birthday. Ron and Lavender had also officially tied the knot and had their first child. Luna decided to move to the Muggle world to live with Neville. They weren't in any Rush to get married or really advance their relationship status to "engaged", they were just enjoying time together.

Luna and Neville each started their own business with some help from Blaise. Blaise provided them with a rent free two story building. Neville's store was set up on the ground floor while Luna got set up on the second floor. She started a catering business while Neville's Shop was a flower shop. Their friends and family were all their first customers and that was how their businesses started to gain some recognition. Luna and Neville's businesses got the same opportunity Hermione's clothing line had gotten mostly because of their friendship with Harry.

Pansy's idea for a reunion had brought everyone something they didn't know they needed. A reconnection with everyone that was not only personal but professional.

About 3 years after the reunion Lucius Malfoy was released on a sort of probation. He moved to the Muggle world to live with his family and was put in the custody of Harry. Lucius' release was only possible because of Harry and Ron. Ron had quite a reputation in the ministry because of the quality of his work. Harry was still very much regarded as the boy who lived. That might have been the only reason Pansy never actually wrote anything about his relationship with Blaise.

It held quite a lot of weight when both of them vouched for Lucius. Lucius was required to report to Harry every single day unless he wanted to be back at Azkaban. Following the conditions of Lucius Malfoy's release Harry decided to give him a job. The number of properties Blaise had gained over 6 years was beginning to be a bit much for just the two of them to handle alone.

Lucius Malfoy was given the job of doing the groundwork. It involved a lot of traveling but it also gave him enough time to spend with his family. In the beginning he spent weeks at each property getting acquainted with the layout and the people. Harry had gone with him because Harry was usually the one who dealt with the people. Some were houses being rented, others were bigger buildings with different apartments and tenants.

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