Holiday Reunion

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My Dearest Hermione,

Your father and I love you so much.

I know your father's family is not the most understanding or accepting family. However we cannot come up with any other excuses for you. We understand that you are a very busy woman. Unfortunately this time you cannot refuse to join us at the annual reunion because we cannot use the same excuse. 

Please join us. If not for your father and I then for your nana and papa. They haven't seen much of you since your wedding and they have asked us numerous times about you. I have forwarded the invite that usually arrives at our house for you. 

We hope that you come and bring that marvelous husband of yours. As well as  your beautiful children. We would love for you to show off your success and family.

With all the love in the world
Your mother, Mary.

Oh, P.S a place has not yet been picked so maybe you can ask Harry for some help? If he agrees then please let me know where so I can extend the invitation.

Hermione groaned and read the letter again. She sighed and laid her head on her table. First Draco was going to be gone longer than usual and now her parents wanted her to go to that stupid family reunion. She hadn't been expecting anyone to be there while she mumbled to herself so hearing a voice made her jump.

"So what's the matter now?"

"Oh Harry! What are you doing here?" Hermione asked.

"I was around so I decided to pop in." Harry shrugged. "So, why the long face?"

Hermione shrugged and sighed. "Family stuff. My dad's family is having their annual reunion soon and we have to go. I don't want to go."

Harry frowned and sat down. "Is it really that bad?"

Hermione handed him the invitation. She knew exactly what was going to be there. Mostly degrading comments about her and a half assed attempt at something resembling a proper invitation. Not to make the snide remarks she figured the person would write and the not so subtle hint that she is not actually invited.

Harry snorted in disgust as he read the letter. He hated that this was what Hermione was subjected to especially considering what her parents were like. He handed Hermione the letter back and she handed him the one her mother wrote. Hermione sighed as she read the invitation letter from her aunt.

Hermione Jean Granger,

So I've been reminded that I have to send you this invitation as well. So you are invited to our annual family reunion. Blah blah blah all the nice stuff.

We don't have a place in mind for this year yet. I will update you when we do. Not that we really need to since you probs still stay with your mommy and daddy like a baby.

Make sure you have decent clothes that won't embarrass us and a decent swim suit that doesn't make you look like a slut. The reunion is a week from September 1st. That means it will start on September 1st okay.

You can count the days from then I'm sure, little miss know it all. Anyway, bring any significant other you may possess if you managed to subdue one. Also bring whatever illegitimate kids you may have.

Hope(not) to see you there
Your greatest auntie Sarah

"You know." Harry said drawing Hermione's attention. "Blaise mentioned having another reunion like last time. I'm sure Ginny and Pansy could use the break from work. Even Ron told me he needed a break. I'm sure Lavender would appreciate it too."

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