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One day ,Rage and Kai decided to have a sleepover,and Kai told him to be at the location

The day of the Sleepover:

*kai being extremely happy to share the bed with rage*

Rage:hayyyyy kailer

Kai :come,come lay down and enjoy yourself

Rage says "okay" and lays in the bed .Kai gets extremely happy and starts kicking his feet with excitement

Rage looks over and laughs

1 hour later
Kai and rage are both sleep rage slowly moves close to Kai while sleeping and rage moves closer and closer.Kai suddenly feels something rapped around his waist hugging him

He try's to figure out who it is and turns around and finds out it is rage
*kai blushes*

He then realize what position they both are in and he tries to escape but he can't because rages hands are around his waist tightly

Rage feels something moving around his arms.He wakes up finding Kai trying to get out of his arms

*rage blushes a bit*

Rage:oh sh** sorry kailer

Kai:it's okay *in a mumble voice*

They both turn around and get nervous and fall asleep.

The End

Kosh (Kai and youragegamingWhere stories live. Discover now