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One day ,on Kai's stream rage appears and decides to join him.



Kai offers him a seat they then make eye contact with each other and Kai gets nervous

*rage smiling*

A few mins later

Rage discuss abt how clingy kai is

Kai says "no I don't shut the fu** up you fu***** robot "

Rage:it's always ima robot but act cute when the cameras are off


*They look at each other and smile*

20 minutes later

Rage:kai you looking hella fine rn

Kai:uh um okay the f***,your weird

* in kai mind he wants to say something back but wants to keep it in*

Rage:how is that weird saying my homie lookin fine


*Kai ends the stream after a few hours*

Rage: why you always lying to those people that you clingy asl

Kai:your weird

kai and rage give each other big hug after the stream .Rage gets sad that he has to leave to kai

The end

Kosh (Kai and youragegamingWhere stories live. Discover now