Chapter 10: What rIFt?

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

⛰What rIFt?⛰


I might not show it but I had fun during the training. This was so-so different than any competition training I've gone to. In those days, trainees don't interact with each other. They just study by themselves in a closed dark room with the trainer sleeping in front.

I've been laying on my stomach for the past few hours on my bed doing the last of my academic work. My glasses reflected how easy the tasks were. However, other than academics, there was another thing in my thoughts—it was already in my mind when we, three met in the food court.

What if...

The three of us became friends?

You know the feeling of a sudden pour of alienated happiness inside. It was so strange that you want to keep that happiness contained as time-long as possible. It might be that I started feeling unsocial when I was in senior high school, or it might not be. But I suddenly had the urge to miss people that you can talk to and be your friend when the three of us talked—it was as if I was back in high school.

But then again, that will seem impossible knowing and feeling the mood between Sage and Rijo. Plus, Sage was annoying these days and I don't know why. He was annoying and annoyed with the I-don't-know fact.

Why did he look like he was keeping a dark ill toward Rijo?

Silence came to mind.

Of course! He was jealous...! of the fact that I'd made a new friend. Then what if the three of us made a circle? That'll be a solution!

Three knocks appeared behind my room door, pulling me off my thoughts. "Helio, what are you doing," my dad asked with a plummy voice.

My eyes went for the door like I'm able to see through. "Doing school works!" I shouted.

It took a moment for Dad to reply, "Okay. Then can you help me cut some veggies after finishing all of that?"

"Okay, Pa."

I've put my remaining attention on my school works, burning my lashes off despite wearing eyeglasses with anti-radiation.

After half an hour, I finally bent my laptop shut. It was an every-time feeling of relief after finishing some schoolwork.

I went downstairs to find out how could I be of help. Upon arriving, my eyes immediately saw the counter filled with a variety of vegetables. Dad was already cutting a few ingredients. Hearing sheeny slice sounds every time got me shivers, moreover, having a five-star chef at home is a life at bonus.

"You're done?" Dad asked with a superficial smile.

"Yeah, what do I need to cut?" I wondered while spying around.

"Carrots first...Here let me show you." He went to the sink and washed his hands before grabbing a piece of fresh carrot to the cutting board.

"Cut into four parts and slice diagonally to make chunks," while showing where to cut demonstrating with his hands as a knife.

"...Or no, just cut it into funny slices. Up to you."

My mind went confused as to what I am actually going to do: should I cut it like the first one or should I cut it randomly?

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