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Marigold seemed to have another nightmare again. A nightmare that became a fear. It was about losing her dearest mother. She had been seeking her ever since she woke up with tears in her eyes, and it made Draco call her on the phone and invite her for the evening for their child's sake. That is why Y/n has been at the Manor, calming the little girl down and assuring her that she'll never lose her or never even part from her. Furthermore, she too has this fear of being apart from her child.

"My darling, mommy will never leave you." She reassured whilst embracing her daughter, who had calmed down, yet sniffs and light sobs were still there.

Draco was right beside them, caressing her daughter's back, whilst their daughter dug her face into her mother's shoulder. Both of them were tired, for they had been disturbed from their slumber and had been keeping their noses on their jobs. However, they always make an exception, skipping the word tired, just for their child.

Despite any flaws that may exist, she is the most precious thing they have ever possessed. To them, she is more valuable than any rare gem in the world, and will always be worth more.

"Mommy, please stay." Marigold pleaded as she parted her face from her mother's shoulder.

She looked at her daughter, looking rather a bit unsure of how she'd respond to her. She knew she couldn't stay because she was well aware that Mr Malfoy didn't want her here.

"But, Marigold, dearest, I can't stay with you." She frowned.

"Please, mommy." She frowned too.

Y/n's lips parted, wanting to make up an excuse even though she didn't know how to give her the reason why she couldn't stay with her. Indeed, she stayed here before when Marigold had a nightmare, but that was only an accident — falling asleep next to her.

"Don't worry, Lottie," Draco preceded her just as when her mouth opened. "She'll stay with you."


The night was rather not calm, for the thunder clapped outside the Manor and the rain poured heavily  on the roof above their heads. Y/n was still wide awake whilst Marigold, who was next to her, slept peacefully — her stomach rising and falling gently, unaware of what was happening around her. There was this thought that had been keeping her wide awake for an hour. It was about earlier when Draco let her stay for the night and he never gave her any reason, despite knowing that if Mr. Malfoy found out about it, both of them would be doomed.

She sat up, running her fingers through the roots of her hair as her eyes landed on her sleeping child. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt if she would sneak downstairs to the kitchen and leave her daughter in a short while, and perhaps a glass of water could help her sleep.

So, she slowly got out of bed, pressing her feet on the tiny thick bristles of the blue carpet, and then made her way out of the room and she quietly closed the door.

The Hallway was still the same after five years had passed. It was cold in the evenings and warm in the daylight. Flashes of lightning flickered through the window, showing the old paintings on the wall falling asleep. She remembered when they would run or tiptoe through these halls at midnight to the kitchen or to the room where the piano was and some of the paintings, who were awakened, hushed them.

Then there she finally made it into the kitchen and found Draco, sitting at the kitchen island with a glass of water in front of him as he watched the rain pour into the window. The room was only illuminated by three candles on the candle holder in the middle of the kitchen island, and Draco seemed to be occupied with his thoughts.

"Draco?" Her voice made him snap back from his thoughts, flickering his eyes as he looked at her.

"Oh, Y/n," He cleared his thoughts, fully facing her. "I didn't know you were still awake. Was it the rainstorm? Are you frightened?" He sounded worried, for he knew that she was scared of the thunder.

"N— no..." She stammered. "Truly, I wasn't scared...anymore as I may say. I just had a lot of thoughts keeping me awake."

"Oh." He uttered. "Was it about your wedding?" This question made his heart tightened as if he could not breathe.

"Yes," and of course, that was just a lie. "But may I ask something?"

"Sure, you may." He allowed.

She walked closer and sat on the stool, with an empty seat between them and keeping them apart. This surely made his heart ache more. Then she uttered, "Why did you allow me to stay, despite knowing that you might get in trouble...?"

He wanted her to stay because he wanted to see her, to hear her voice, to feel her presence. He wanted to feel such warmth whenever she was in the Manor even though it was not as warm as before. It gave him a nostalgic feeling, a feeling that he always longed for but could not reach anymore. However, the main reason why he wanted her to stay was due to their child.

"Well, Marigold needs you, so I have to do what I have to do, and you do not need to worry about my Father. I'll take care of it." He smiled, assuring her.

She smiled too and gazed at the small blazing fire of the candles as lights before every thunder continued to flicker from the window and the sound of rain filled the room. The kitchen then fell into silence from their voices, only the sound of nature occupying the room.

Then Draco finally spoke — his voice joining into the sound of the thunder and the tapping of rain.

"You mentioned you weren't scared of the thunder anymore." He began. "I just thought of why weren't— I mean, how did you overco—"

"I overcame it for her." She said, knowing he was nervous to ask. "I just knew I had to face it for her. I do not want her to see me frightened of the storm too."

"Are you sure you have fully overcome it?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"I am sure, Draco. What is there to be worried about?" A soft chuckle left her pinkish lips that made Draco stare at it, remembering that one night in the broom closet.

There was only silence in between them again, listening only to the grumble of the storm and trickling of the rain on the window. Y/n stared at the candle whilst Draco secretly gazed at her in the corner of his eyes then again landing on her lips.

He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to kiss her for the one last time to make him contented.

"I should best head back." She suddenly uttered, interrupted by the flickering of the storm. "Marigold might get—" Then suddenly the loud grumble of the thunder made her almost slip down whilst getting down the chair, with a gasp escaping from her mouth.

She thought she had her head hit the ground, but all she found was that her head was pressed unto his chest, with one arm wrapped around her waist and the other on the back of her head. She could hear his heart pounding so loudly. Was he scared? Scared that something might have happened to her if he didn't quickly grab her?

"Umm..." Her cheeks went red as she parted away from his arms. "Thank you. I should go now." But before she could even take a step, Draco grabbed her wrist, looking deeply into her eyes and getting lost again as he slowly pulled her closer to him and cupped her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." Then he pressed his lips unto hers.

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