Party time??

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It was February 5th 2015 also Cristiano "goat" Ronaldo's birthday


Cristiano 🐐🐐

Yo Christiano have a good birthday bro!

Thank you my brother! I was hoping I could have talked to you about

Oh yeah what's that?

I'm holding a party later tonight and I want you come!

Of course bro! I'll be there

Sweet bro. I want you to be here early maybe around 4pm if that's alright for you? I want you to meet my family.

Yep I'll be there. Can't wait

See you here then.


A/N! Sorry for the long chapter once again I promise they'll get longer once I get more ideas feel free to give me advice about what I'm doing wrong and what to improve this is my first real book I'm also planning on making a Talia Mar book. Thoughts?

orry for the wait!

Georgina Rodriguez X male ocWhere stories live. Discover now