It's away we go!

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I was officially on my way to the party and I would be lying If I said I wasn't excited, it's been a while since I've done something like this and it would be nice to see Christiano again.

I put on "the nights" by Avicii
as I started to sing along, I was getting very close. I could already see all the fancy houses in the area.

And there it was. The Ronaldo mansion it was massive with a big pool, hot tubs and multiple stories. I got out my car and took a deep breath, I'm not the biggest social person but I make it work.

I walked up the gigantic driveway leading to the driveway, I knocked on the texted him letting him know I had arrived.

As soon as I saw the door handle being opened I took another deep breath preparing myself, and there he was. Christiano Ronaldo was standing right in front of me inviting me into his home. It didn't feel real.
(no pun intended)

Christiano: "Hey bro! Come in! Great to see you again man."

Me: "Happy birthday! Yeah, you too man! It's been a while!" I  entered his house and took my shoes off and started following him to the kitchen

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Me: "Happy birthday! Yeah, you too man! It's been a while!" I  entered his house and took my shoes off and started following him to the kitchen.

Christiano: "thanks man, Welcome to my house!, You're the first one here! Do what you wish, grab a snack, settle in!"

Me: "Whoa! You've got a beauty!"

Christiano: "yeah, I like to think so. My girlfriend is getting some more food and drinks so she should be back soon."

Me: "yeah, all good. How've you been bro?"

Christiano: "Fine! It's been nice, yourself?

Me: "yeah, same here but I am hoping to become a footballer just like you mate."

Christiano: "Cool! Remind me to train with you one day."

Me: "Will do man! It would be a pleasure." I say before I hear the doorbell ring

Christiano: "She must be back, can you go get that for me?"

Me: "will do!" I quickly walk to the door and open it and I see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen she was wearing the real Madrid home shirt and some jeans.

Me: "will do!" I quickly walk to the door and open it and I see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen she was wearing the real Madrid home shirt and some jeans

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(2015 real Madrid jersey)

??: "Ah you're here already! Nice to meet you, I've heard lots about you!"

Me: "oh? Good to know.. come in!" Need any help?  I say while smiling

??: "it's ok! Thank you." She says smiling back as she enters the house

Christiano: "Welcome back!" He says smiling at the girl and gives her a kiss

??: "Should this be enough?"

Christiano: "should be! But I'm guessing you met my friend here. Blake this is my beautiful girlfriend Georgina and Georgina this is a good friend of mine Blake." He says greeting us

Me: "Pleasure to meet you!" I say smiling at her again

Georgina: "Same here, Blake!" She said smiling back

Christiano:" I hope you two have no problem getting along! but it won't be too long till everyone arrives"

Me:" I'm excited! It's been a while since I've gone to a party."

Georgina: "yeah me too!" She says before we head the doorbell ring.

Christiano: "So it begins."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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