°•Chapter Two•°

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This was it , the last location the Phantom Thief was seen in.

Surprisingly , it's a burger shop... The outside didn't look too good, red paint was chipping off of the outer walls and the sign for the shop was falling off. The shop itself was crammed between two large casinos and was extremely small! You'd think someone who steals such valuable things would go somewhere a bit more classy to eat. Especially in their criminal outfit! I was standing outside , all alone. My uncle had dropped me off but went away soon after that . I didn't really want to go in, it looked almost abandoned! The only thing showing it was still in service was the tiny washed light illuminating the inside of the shop. The yellowish glow coming from inside looked slightly intimidating but I brushed it off and opened the doors to investigate.

The idea of coming here was that the Phantom Thief may have left some clues. After all, he was known for toying with the police and detectives whenever he was caught robbing.

As soon as I opened the door, a tiny bell rung , signalling to whoever was in the shop that someone had entered. There were no customers in the shop but there was one worker. A short male in red overalls that had the company's name on and a bright red hat . He had the stereotypical minimum wage fast food uniform on. But what did catch my eye was his dark, slightly messy purple hair . I loved how it was so unruly yet tamed. It kind of reminded me of the Phantom Thief description. I felt a small blush dust my cheeks but quickly covered my face with the shadow from my hat. Looking back, I'm pretty sure he knew from the very start how I looked at him..

He probably knew I was there because of the bell but he just continued to sweep the floors , completely ignoring me. Or so I thought..

"What do you want?" He said in a brash, annoyed tone.

"U-um im so ...sorry to..disturb you" I nervously tried to make out my words. I hate any kind of social interaction with new people I don't know.
"B-but i'm here to investigate a-a case and was wondering if I could look around?" Ugh I must've come off as such an idiot! That was so humiliating!

The boy suddenly burst out laughing, but not a mean laugh , more a sweet one. As if to say 'its fine you aren't disturbing me' . His laugh was adorable not gonna lie. No homo!
" Aww thank you!" He randomly said, I looked at him cluelessly , until I realised I just said that he had an adorable laugh OUT LOUD! OMG this couldn't get any worse! I'm pretty sure my face was red at that point.

"You can look around if you want , but I am curious, what case are you working on detective?" He asked, enthusiastically .
"Oh how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Oma, Kokichi Oma! Pleasure to meet you..."

He stared at me as if to say 'whats your name' while walking forward and putting his hand out. I could stare into his beautiful purple eyes all day, but I can't zone out! I took his hand and shook it while saying,
"Saihara, I'm Shuichi Siahara, pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasures all mine detective." He stared seductively ..or maybe it wasn't seductive and I just imagined it was.

What was wrong with me today!

Oma was incredibly beautiful, he had a petite, slim figure and glass skin with a few freckles dotted on his nose. I realised that I hadn't let go of his hand, so in a fit of blushing, I bashfully took my hand away to start looking around for clues. While I went to look at a booth, I continued speaking to him ,
"Oh and to answer your question Oma, I'm working on the case of the  Phantom Theif ." I said, happy to be working on my first ever solo case!

"Oo sounds interesting! I think I heard of them on the news." He looked like he had stars in his eyes. So adorable!

No Siahara, keep this professional! You have only known This boy for ten minutes! I got back to searching when I heard Oma scramble to look for something.

"Oh um, detective. Some guy with a white suit and mask on came running in a few days ago , he said to give a note to any detective that came in about the Phantom Thief case. This might be helpful.." He stumbled over his words, possibly nervous of disturbing me.

"for real! That's going to bed really helpful, do you mind if I take a look at the note?" I ran up eagerly to the register, he handed me the note , our hands brushing as I took it, causing us both to blush! I opened the note and started to read it..


Cliffhanger! MWAHAHAJAJA !!

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