Chapter Two

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The echoing sound of the pounding footsteps in the grassland that led to the current village, surrounded by tall stone walls, would soon fall to it's ashy betrayal.

(Y/n) gained much speed before leaping at the gate causing the metal guard to break from it's hinges and fall loudly to the ground. Her (e/c) eyes were now a cold and harsh white orbs that seemed to emanate not only her anger but her change in personality.

Lifting her head high she runs over to where she saw the tent that sold the fur, She let a low growl emanate from her body which was confirmation for the other great wolves who were black and grey as the night, to sprint towards it and destroy every last pelt and stocking of it.

Before things could continue on, there was loud shouting coming from behind (f/n). She glanced over her shoulder and took notice that the villagers had come through the gate, some holding weapons and others holding torches to light up the dark area.

" OI! those damn mongrels are destroying my stock! Agh! I'll skin them alive if I get the chance!" the merchant shouts starting to step towards the pack of angered wolves until (f/n) turns around and growls harshly at the man.

Her fangs were baring at him her eyes narrowed on the man slowly stepping closer while each growl seemed more deeper the next. With each step she took towards the giant group they backed up slightly holding their weapons towards the so called beast.

Finally a man that had slightly long messy blonde hair stepped forward, a curl sticking out on the right side of his head while a golden cross bore on the left side of his head, he held his hand out stretched at the wolf.

Staring at this strange man, (y/n) narrowed her gaze at him and for some reason his aura alone was slightly intimidating. She shook her head and backed up before growling yet again. Instantly there was a yelling sound from one man who held a giant sword trying to bring it down while the strange man tried to yell out stop.

Her heart raced as she saw the shiny blade coming down towards her figure, of course blinking once she opened her eyes and noticed that she was literally holding the blade between both her hands, catching it and keeping it still before it could cause any harm.

Of course the man stared at her dumbfounded and panicked at the sight. " I-It's....a girl? What the hell!? how is that even humanly possible......IT'S A WITCH! KILL HER!" he shouts.

Some of the village men and merchants cowered slightly except for two. One being the strange and peculiar man she met earlier and the other that she had just met barely. Both their gazes were glued on her form which was bare and human like except for the fact that her ears and tale were showing completely.

(f/n) broke the blade on the sword and shoved it into the ground kicking the merchant who dared to call her a witch, her white eyes slowly dissipated to show her true (e/c) color.

" Witch? I am not one. I am a wolf spirit, I have come to bare a message to you merchants." she said in a firm tone that brought everyone's attention in.

She stepped forward, " If anyone dares to touch another wolf or it's fur, I shall be sure to hunt you down and skin you myself. Head my warning or death will come for you." her words were cold and crisp like the winters back in the Nordic regions close towards Lithuania.

With that she turned back and the fire on the tent of pelts was released, sending it ablaze while releasing the troubled wolf spirits that were murdered for such cruelty free. Before the men could react she whistled and jumped on the back of one wolf while the entire pack sprinted and leaped pass the men and out the gates towards the grassy fields.

Norway glanced at Denmark who seemed to still be rather shocked at the sight. Shaking his head prefusivly he sprints out of the area while the other merchants were still confused, Denmark following right behind still confused.

" Oi! Norge where are you going?" he called out, sprinting behind the Norwegian nation.

Norway stopped by the horse drawn wagon that had the other three men starting to wake up inside. Denmark climbed on right as Norway slapped the reigns against the horses skin sending the animal to sprint without a second thought. His heart raced as he started to look around listening for anything.


There. The soft howl that didn't sound to far, of course it was in the forest and there were paths into it, most people wouldn't reaching quickened speeds, his brother spoke up still gripping to the side of the wagon.

" N-Norway! slow down or your going to get us killed you idiot!" he cries out.

Suddenly there was rustling from close by and in that moment, the she-wolf appeared before them sprinting on her two legs. It seems she hadn't changed back. His violet blue eyes light up at the sight before he belts out, " Please! we mean no harm! please wait lady-wolf!"

Suddenly one of the other men held his bow and arrow up, pulling back and aimed right for her legs, of course his shots were never missed but he wasn't amazing at it either. The arrow snapped through the wind, right as it scrapped against the girls leg she whimpered out and fell to the side of the road while Norway pulled to a rough stop.

Jumping out he quickly jumps on top of the girl and stares down at her. Her fanged teeth bore right at him while her eyes narrowed loathing towards the man.

" How dare you injure me!" she barked out.

Norway stared down at her, " Listen, I wish to speak with you. You wouldn't stop so this was plan B. Please....let me tend to your wound." he asked softly yet emotionless at the same time?

His tone of voice made (f/n) rather curious, still keeping up her guard she lessens her cold gaze at him and looks to the side. " If that's all you wish, then I shall agree to it. But only that." she hissed.

Norway nods silently while the other stared at her questioningly. " Holy mother of Mary, you''re a wolf! You have ears and a tail too!....It's so...facinating-"

(f/n) slaps his hand away that was going to touch her tail, " Please don't touch me with your filthy hands." she spat out.

Denmark looked at his hands, " If I wash them off with water would you let me scratch your ears?" he questioned.

( SO SORRY ABOUT THE TARDINESS OF THIS STORY! I'VE HONESTLY HAD NO TIME BUT HERE IS CHAPTER TWO! YOU GET TO MEET NORWAY! NEXT IS ONE OF THE THREE THAT'S LEFT...BUT WHO? *ahem* anyways thank you for commenting and voting, I hope you do more of it. Oh and if anyone could give me some tips on how Sweden talks that would be great so i'm prepared to wright him, that would be really helpful.)

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