Chapter Five

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( Yep next chappy because when you sit in a college somehow get ideas!  Icy's pic will be up soon!)......Okay it's up now!



The air around everyone ceased as they silently watched the body that was bloody and scraped....gasp for air, as if reaching the surface from water.

Prussia shook his head and started to laugh like he had officially lost it. 

" M-Mein gott, I really must be in shock because....t-that can't be possible!" he stuttered.

Ludwig (Germany) walked up to his brother with a worried expression and tried to calm him down while the Nordics just stared in deep shock. 

After a moment of heavy breathing (f/n) weakly blinked open her (e/c) orbs and stared back up at them to which instantly Finland reached down and snatched the "almost dead" girl into his arms which startled her a bit.

" F-Finland....w-what's the matter?" she asked while heavily taking deep breaths. 

Iceland shook his head, " T-There's no way you can survive something like that! How are you still alive (f/n)!?" he cried out while tears were still leaving his violet eyes. 

Norway stared down at his brother, taken back by the fact that he was actually crying in front of other people. " I-Icy...." he stuttered out.

Sweden started to get some color back to his face, even if he didn't really show his tears or his true fears, his face still showed just how he truly felt. He took off his glasses and spoke softly, " All that matters right now is that she is still alive. As for now we need to find you some shelter so your wounds can be tended." 

After everyone was still discussing back and forth on what they should do (f/n) spoke up hoarsely. 

" W-What happened to the child's body?" she questioned.

Everyone stayed silent before she turned her head and saw the body that was covered by some fabric which made her chest squeeze tightly in her chest. Before any tears could fall down her cheeks she just bit the inside of her cheek, tears could not show how sorry she was.

Of course the young Prussian from before stepped forward and picked up (f/n) bridal style in his arms from Finland's death grip.

" W-What are you doing with (f/n)?" stuttered Finland threw his tear sobs.

The Prussian stares at him with a grimace before he spoke in the most softest voice that any of the countries had heard. 

" What does it look like....? I'm taking her to get help." he muttered before turning and walking away with the clicking sound of his boots.

The rest all stared at one another before Iceland could see the German boy called Ludwig kneeling beside the lifeless body of Holy Rome. He could feel his chest squeeze a little for sympathy before he quickly walked over and scooped up the fragile small body and looked at the blonde hair boy that had been crying silently.

" Come on. Let's clean him up as well." he squeaked out before quickly marching off with the body. The German boy quickly stood up and picked up his pace, walking next to the slightly taller nation.

As the four other's slowly walked down the bricked road in the village Norway spoke up.

" I think I will send a message to my fellow magic users.....this is getting serious." he adds with a loud exhale.

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