Chapter 7

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Scene 9

In the classroom...

Me : Hey Jack!

Jack : Hi man!
How r u dng?

Me : Umm great
I actually gotta tell u something

Jack : What?
Me : I kinda fell for a gurll
She looks amazing
Her crystal clear eyes
Her glossy cherry lips
Her deadly eyeliner...
What not
Every little detail of her makes me gasp so hard...

Jack : So?
Why don't u find her
And go talk to her?
Me : Idk maybe I'm just nervous

Jack : Hey! Why do u complicate things up
It's easy peasy lemon squeezy...
Me : But...
Jack : Shut ur mouth
Be a man! Got no guts?

Me : Yup But just a little
Jack : Go find her before it's too late
Me : Come on No one's gonna steal her!
Jack : If u think she's Worthless it's an obvious mistake.

Me : What shd I do now?
Go and beg her to love me back??
Jack : No just let her know that u love her...
Me : Hmm got u I'll think about it

Jack : OK mam has arrived
Better u forcus on the lecture
Me : Hmm

Scene 10

Daniel : Hey u wanna join me for lunch?
Me : Not interested..
Daniel : I guess it's been a while since u have tasted my punch!
Me : Fine! Let's go

Daniel : What made u uninterested?
Me : Nothing
Daniel : Tell me the truth?
Me : Nothing! Literally nothing

Daniel : Fine Liar!

Me : One Frappuccino
Dani : One Americano

Dani : What else?
U wanna tell me smtng?
Me : uh? Me?
Dani : Yep u!
Me : Nothing

Dani : See! Tell me
Or else u r gonna pay really hard for this
Me : I got nothing to tell u
Dani : OK who's she?
Me : Claire!
I like her
It's just that I like her
Ntg else

Dani : U said u have ntg to tell me?
Me : Ugh! Leave it man
Dani : Fine! U rly like her?
Me : Yeah kinda a little too much
One look from her lures my heart
Her single hair strand raises my heart -  rate

Dani : And?
Me : My heart skips a beat everytime I think about her
She ruins my day in every possible way

Dani : Fine I expected a single line answer
But looks like u r heading for a whole paragraph
Me : Oh sorry for that 😅

When I went crazy 😘Where stories live. Discover now