Chapter 8

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Scene 11

In the library...

Do u think being intimate can boost a relationship? - Asked Jeff
No I don't think so - Said Daisy

Then what can actually boost a relationship?

Understanding the other person's needs - She replied

Oh like?

Like giving her what she wants and satisfying her mentally and emotionally.
These little things matter more than intimacy - She added

Little things like?

Getting her flowers
Buying her fav chocolates
Or gifting her teddy bears - She continued

Oh u mean materialistic things?

No money is the only materialistic thing here
What isn't really materialistic is love!
Chocolates maybe a materialistic thing for u
But it's love for her
The same goes with flowers and gifts
- She said

Ok I don't understand 😐

See money when invested at the right place and time turns anything lovelier
- She answered


Money u invest on gifts
Shower love on her
Got it? - She questioned

Ok u mean money when spent wisely
Is worth as love?

Yup u got the essence
Haha - She said

Done ...

I said to my self and turned to the next page of the book

But then..

Hey! Hi can u please help me find this book - somebody asked

Yup I can
Btw what's ur gd name??

Catie - she replied

Me : Here it is!
Catie : Thanks man
Your good name please!
Me : Ugh let it be
You need not know my name
It doesn't make a difference though
Catie : Come on tell me!
Me : Never mind you better leave
Bye -

Catie : OK cool Bye then...

I turned back and started to walk in the opposite direction
But then...

Claire : Umm sorry it was a mistake
I didn't see you coming
Let me help me with your books

She sat to the ground and was picking up the books that fell over
I sat along with her and said

It's ok I'm here for you
Btw why are u always in a rush dear?

Claire : I heard that the author published his new chapter
And it's avaliable here!
So I was rushing to get it
Me : Oh really I'mma join you then

We ran in the same direction
To get that book
Went to the shelf at thunder speed

Claire : I found it
But I guess this is the last one
Me : Can we share?
Claire : OK I'll give it to u the next week
Me : Deal!

Me : How can I contact you ?
Claire : Maybe by phone?
Me : But I don't have your number
She : Fine
Note it down
Me : Done!

When we started to leave
A guy passed by her side
I don't know why I acted over protective
But my subconscious mind did something unconsciously
Which made me feel stupid

I pulled her to the left of me
By gently holding her by her waist
In a second I realized 😳
My finger nails touching her skin...
I could literally feel her inner curve
Not me wondering how it was so smooth to glide by

I tried to act normal
But my breath revealed it all
I took a deep breath as if it was my first kiss
I know it sounds funny but it's true
My fingers trembled and I wonder if she noticed it in that milli second

When I moved her to the left of me
I gently removed my hand
While I already got it sweating as hell
I felt as if I own her!
I wanted to ask her
How protected do u feel?

And even imagined her replying saying
Very much!

Haha funny but true
These fake scenarios really help

Scene 12

At home....

It was such a lovely day
WhT a day what a time
Ugh her waist!
Had me for a minute

What an angel dropped from heaven
Her eyes
Her hair
Her lashes
Her waist
Her beauty
She is an art

Can I just hug her and bring her closer to  me
Can I just wrap my arms around her
And make her feel warm
Can I be her sweater and keep her warm
Or can I be her shower and...

Lemme first kiss my hand
And then I started to smell my fingers
Tryna smell her fragrance which was lost hours ago

I kept wondering what she was doing
Does she even think about me
Does she know that I exist?

Next time when I meet her
I'm gonna get her flowers
No maybe I should buy her chocolates

I wonder when I'm gonna meet her again
I smiled like an idiot staring at the ceiling :)

When I went crazy 😘Where stories live. Discover now