Part 1

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| IMAGINE for @nubiaochoa_1 |

You run down a long hall in Erebor, breathing heavily. The ground rumbles beneath your feet as Smaug lumbers around the Lonely Mountain setting everything in his path on fire. "Regroup!" Thorin screams from a room up ahead. You run even harder and quickly make it to the room where the Company gathers. The Dwarves and Bilbo are all out of breath. "We-we need to find another way. Running from him is just going to kill us." Thorin says. You step forward and slam your dagger on a wooden table. "I say we kill him." You hiss. Clenching your jaw, you look around at the Dwarves. "I am not accepting defeat. I say we kill him... or at least try to." You explain. Thorin meets your eyes and you stare at him. "Y/N is right. We kill the dragon." He states. You smile and sigh with relief. "We split up and regroup at the forges." Thorin says. "Y/N, Bilbo, you're with me." He says. As the Dwarves gather in small groups, you walk over to Bilbo and Thorin. "We're just going to distract him while we make a run for it to the forges." Thorin explains. You nod and rip your dagger off the table. You twist it in your hand. "Let's go." You say. Thorin, Bilbo, and you run out of the room while Smaug comes barging down the hall. "Run!" Thorin exclaims. The three of you run down the narrow hallway as fire chases after you. The hallway divides into a two different hallways. You take the right as Bilbo and Thorin take the left. "Y/N!" Thorin shouts. You turn around. "Go! I'll distract him!" You exclaim, your voice echoing down the hall. "No! He'll kill you!" Thorin yells. You stare at Thorin, breathless. You smile slightly and tears sting your eyes. "I know." You say. "No." Thorin gasps. Smaug comes down the hall. "Go!" You scream. Thorin stares at you and Bilbo grabs his arms, dragging him down the hall. You watch as they both run down the rest of the hall and turn down another hall. "Hey! You!" You scream at Smaug. He turns your way, his stomach glowing orange. "You worthless piece of nothing!" You shout, before running down the hall. Smaug roars and spews out fire all over the place. You wince as you feel some of the heat.
As Smaug chases after you, you maneuver around stone tables and chairs. You know your demise is soon coming, because you're tiring. "You will burn!" Smaug says. "No." You breathe, running across a table. Fire rains down and you slide across the ground. You stand quickly and continue to run, your legs burning and screaming for a break. You trip over a wooden box and slam your shoulder into a corner of a table. You cry out and fall to the ground. You gasp, tears stinging your eyes. You clutch your shoulder and glance at Smaug who stares at you, a sick look on his face. "You know it's been quite a while since I've feasted on a Dwarf." He says as you stand. You start to jog away, breathing heavily. "It's going to taste quite good." He hisses. You run a little faster, a small cry escaping from your lips. "Let's eat." Smaug roars. "No!" Someone shouts. Suddenly, someone body slams you and rolls you into a room just as Smaug dives forward to snatch you between his teeth. You look up at Thorin, breathless. "Wha..." You gasp. "I couldn't let you risk your life like that, Y/N. Not when it could be prevented." Thorin answers, staring down at you. You smile. "Thank you." You say. He smiles back and cups your cheek. Everything quiets and it's only Thorin and you, staring at each other. Thorin brushes his thumb slowly over your cheek bone. A crash sounds making you jump. It breaks the moment and Thorin gets off of you. "Come, we must go. The forges are near." He says, helping you up. "Where's Bilbo?" You ask. "He banded together with Oin and Gloin while I went looking for you." Thorin answers. He grabs your hand and leads you to another room. "We will defeat Smaug." You state suddenly. Thorin stops walking and looks at you. He smiles a little and squeezes your hand. "I know." He whispers. You smile and start walking again.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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