Chapter 17

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The night dragged on slowly as reiji worked on a potion to dispose of the b*tch while the triplets had their fun with their mother. Avalynn was in the living room with Shu and humming a song, what she didn't know was that Shu paused his music to hear the melody. Several girlish screams did echo out of the house from the dungeon down below which excited avalynn. "That woman has a set of lungs on her. I shouldn't be surprised to see that the most inappropriate thing come out of that foul mouth." Shu just snickered under his breath before going back to 'sleep'. Avalynn went back to humming and combing his hair which caused him to sigh with ease. A few hours later and the triplets teleported into the room with 'Cordelia'. The body she was in was tainted with bite marks and it looks as if her face was sunken from all the blood loss. A few bruises lay around her arms and Avalynn would assume her legs since that is Laito's favorite spot to bite. 

"Haven't had fun like that in years. Wouldn't you say so brothers?~" Laito moaned and he blushed after reminiscing on what happened earlier. "Tch, yours truly did the most work on mother's body. But, she seemed to enjoy my bites more so than any of yours." Ayato arrogantly laughed out loud before shoving 'Cordelia' to the ground, which caused her to groan in pain. "Hm, yall did some good work on the whore but yall didn't do one little thing," Avalynn said getting off the couch, moving Shu from his comfortable pillow. Shu grunted in discontent and Avlynn mocked him while rubbing the side of his face. "Don't worry baby, This won't take too long...If I don't enjoy myself too much first" Avalynn lightly tapped his face and laughed. As Avalynn walked towards Cordelia she started to whimper more and more, louder and louder. "Aw come now, we haven't even started yet."

"Wha-What's going on? Ayato, Laito, Kanato! What's wrong?" Yui said shocked and back from the depths of her internal cell. "Pancake. You are back." Ayato yelled taking a few steps towards her. Avalynn squinted her eyes on thought before quickening her steps to the sacrificial bride. "W-why am I here? What's happened? I don't remember much." Yui said shaking her head in frustration. Laito and Kanato didn't say anything but stared at her confused. "Tell me little b*tch, did you break out of her control for now before she comes back?" Laito says smirking and Kanato clutched Teddy tighter glowering at Yui which caused her to flinch and stutter. "A-Ah. Ye-Yes of course. But she didn't go away willingly." Yui chuckled nervously. Avalynn made it to her before, grabbing her chin and turning her to her, kneeling at eye level. "Huh? Is there something wrong?" Yui questioned tilting her head in thought. 

Avalynn then placed her hands on the sides of her face before shaking her head and smiling. 'Yui' smiled in reassurance as everything will be okay. The brothers stared in thought as if nothing is out of place with yui and soon reiji will appear with the potion in hand. Suddenly, the echoes of screams broke the silence of the room. Yui was screaming loudly in pain due to Avalynn puncturing her eye sockets with her thumbs. Yui screams loudly as blood pours out of her sockets and squirts out as Avalynn slowly grins with glee. Ayato goes to stop her while yelling at her to stop but Laito stops him shaking his head. Ayato stares confused but then noticed Yui's body on the ground as she screams covering her face as if to give her some relief. Avalynn stands slowly with blood going down her fingers, the grin still on her face.

"YOU B*TCH! YOU UTTER B*TCH! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS? LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!" She yells at the top of her lungs in agony. "Awe  Cordelia, those words hurt me. I thought we were having a bit of fun like you said earlier." Avalynn laughs maniacally. The brothers stared wide-eyed at what they have seen. Ayato seemed to take several steps back, seeing this expression on her face before which caught the other's attention. 'Cordelia' starts taking deep breaths as her body starts to heal her eyes. "Oh, we can't have that now." Avalynn says making a 'come-here' motion with her forefinger which caused Cordelia to scream more. Soon her eyeballs came through her sockets with the veins and tissue still attached. "You and that bride deserve to suffer a bit more~," Avalynn says grabbing the two eyeballs, admiring the emerald green jewels while Cordelia bawls on the floor with blood pouring out as well. "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT THAT WRETCHED GIRL AND I MADE A DEAL YOU BASTARD." 'Cordelia' howled making Avalynn's ring. Avalynn's grin quickly turns into a scowl before kicking Cordelia in the neck and jaw.

Cordelia's jaw was definitely broken due to how crooked it seemed after the kick along with the neck having a bruise. 'Cordelia could be seen grabbing her neck as if to breathe and her making grunting noises and spitting out blood. "As to answer the question, I didn't. I do not care about those trivial matters but a few looked into the business for me~. One of them was your beloved lover Ritcher." Avalynn laughs loudly. The brother's mouth widened like a sea but Laito's smirk widened into a full-blown grin. Subaru, having just teleported beside Shu, also had a small smirk on his face. Reiji soon teleported inside with his product only to find the wench's body writhing with one eye slightly healed and two eyeballs in Avalynn's hand. "I'm gonna need a piece of that woman from her original body." "There was nothing left of her to use," Subaru answers annoyed at the predicament. Kanato looks down at Teddy before saying "Actually, I have something"

Kanato then rips open the teddy and digs inside only to pull out a black glass bottle. Kanato then hands it to reiji before reiji adds it to his product. After adding whatever was in kanato's bottle into his, the liquid inside soon turned into a clear solution and caused Reiji to smirk. "So I guess that did the trick" Ayato smirks along with reiji before taking the potion from him. Avalynn then moved her hands around which caused 'Cordelia' to move to face up and her mouth wide open. Her eyes and jaw were healed thanks to her vamp powers but she'll soon regret it. 'Cordelia' kept trying to fight and couldn't say a single word since whatever is holding her is forcing her to comply. Ayato then poured the liquid down her throat and she tried to vomit but couldn't do Avalynn's little trick. She soon swallowed the potion and her eyes slowly went close and her body stops moving too.

Avalynn's trick soon disappeared as she walked back to the couch and placed shu head on her lap again, combing his hair. Her eyes opened only to reveal sherbet-colored eyes and a confused grunt. "Ayato. I'm alive. I don't believe it. What am I doing here?" Yui questioned, confused as to what happened. "Don't worry about it. There is no real need to know that."Ayato says softly. Yui then looks around to notice that all the brothers are there. She then notices Avalynn on the couch with Shu on her lap which made her eyes widen. Avalynn noticed and waved slightly and yui nodded back shyly. Some of the brothers were confused by the exchange but didn't say aloud what was wrong. Yui then sat up and looked around her body before reaching her neck.

" I so thirsty?"


of season one lmao. Y'all didn't think I would end it off like that, did yall? I'm not that cruel, maybe but that's beside the point. Sorry, it took so long for this chapter to release, had some other story plots in my mind at the same time as I type this so I made those up on my phone before updating. Then work started kicking me from behind since I work too many hours due to people quitting, then broke up with my boyfriend, and moved out into a new place in a couple of months.....just a lot took place. But, thanks for sticking around with me on this wild ride, this won't be the last of Avalynn I assure you. There might or might not be another character coming in the next season to stir up more drama coming into Season 2. Until next time my lovely peeps! Stay safe, have fun, and keep being you!

 Until next time my lovely peeps! Stay safe, have fun, and keep being you!

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