Do I have to start from the very beginning okay....
I was born
I took my first steps
Let's speed up 6 yearsFlashback
"Do you have to go daddy?" I asked my father
"Go away this has nothing to do with you" my father responded
Flashback endsYeah hah. My dad left us big surprise we all saw it coming. Okay let's speed up more to age 12.
My mother died in a car accident and my brother was in there with her and died too.
So basically I was an orphan.
I lived on the streets for a while then my best friend and her parents took me in there names were Amanda, Flint, and Jess Drag. I've lived with them ever since and yeah let's fast forward15 years old again
So I'm an orphan that has a memory where I can remember everything and have psychic abilities I haven't told anyone about them except my 3 main friends, Amanda Drag, Autumn Adams, and Kyla Bates. I trust them with everything. If you were wondering what I look like I have sandy blonde hair and freckles and I have green eyes I look like a regular teenager I even have a job at the Panda Express at the local mall I work there with Shelby Grim and Carlos Holt- my other two friends. I even go to a regular high school Washington high school or whs for short that's really all I have to say I'm also weird crazy funny and awkward

This is the real world
Novela JuvenilKatherine isn't just a normal 15 year old girl she has an excellent memory but that brings horror and she's also psychic you may not believe it but even with all her problems she is a amazing person and then she meets Adrian smith at her teen church...