Chapter 6

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7:58 AM. San Francisco.


Four months had gone by since their daughter's passing and nothing seems to be working for the couple. On some occasions, they will dine out, only to provide a strong image to solidify Jennie's strong reputation to her business partners. They can't have a CEO who has a life crisis. Jennie should appear strong or the greedy ones would try to steal everything she worked hard for.

Lisa would just stare longingly at her wife, sometimes she'll try to stir up a conversation only to receive the end of it instantly. Lisa started picking up old habits. She started smoking again once in a week, but would never go past one. The smoke is bad for Jennie's health so she would only smoke outside any of their premises.

Lisa started picking up on some signs, too. She tried arranging a dinner only to be stood up in the end. Jennie can't make it. Jennie never makes it. Jennie's parents rarely invites her to family celebrations, too. She's not really a fan of big fancy classy parties anyways, she would tell herself.

But you will see her setting it up had Jennie wishes to organize one

Jennie attends a lot of galas, some with Lisa, a lot without her. The latter is not so sure how speculations of divorce are not currently hot considering the push and pull attendance of them together. Lisa gaslights her own mind into thinking it's fine, she hates fashion in galas anyways.

For four months, they be walking in and out of their house like acquaintances.

For four months, Lisa would wake up early in the morning to prepare Jennie's breakfast. She manipulated her mind into thinking cutting her sleep is better than actually sleeping.

Some days, Jennie would eat the food Lisa prepares.

Most days, she just doesn't care.

Lisa will simply shrug it off and just continue doing so for the next days.

Lisa thought her wife needs time and space to think and heal,

so she gives the latter all the time and space she might probably needed.

That doesn't mean she won't do something stupid, though.


Lisa was preparing for their breakfast when she heard Jennie shouting. She turned to look at the direction of the noise. As if on cue, Jennie walks out of  the princess room wearing a very fitted tank top, a cycling, and a big frown on her face.

Lisa feels a very tingling sensation,

Jennie just looks so hot.

"Oh man, she looks so hot when she's all fired up." Lisa whispered to herself. Their eyes met and Lisa raised both her brows, "what's got the kitten all fired up early in the morning?"

Jennie didn't respond. She continued to walk down the stairs towards the dining room with a very big pout on her face.

"Fuck, she's really cute!" She whispers in an almost shouting manner. Lisa is having a severe gay panic. Nobody could really blame her.

"Come on now, how could I help you if you won't tell me?" The softness in Lisa's tone was enough to make Jennie surrender. Lisa stared at Jennie longer than intended. She realized that it is her first time after four months to stand face to face with Jennie in their dining hall.

"The bathroom shower won't work."

Lisa smirked at that. It works! She was almost containing a big and mocking smile on her face.

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