Meesam is just like you !

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Next morning, Meerub was sound asleep. Meeaam woke up before her and tried to wake her mother. But may be, because of the last days exertion or the relaxation she felt after being back home, she didn't wake up even when Meesam tried to wake her up.

Meesam got out of the bed and started walking towards the door, as she reached the door it was closed she started to bang it with her tiny hands ..

Murtasim, who was eagerly waiting for Meerub and Meesam to wake up, heard the bang and quickly reached the door to open it.

Meesam was standing there , looking at Murtsim with her eyes wide open, ( she looked so much like Meerub), she was somewhat familiar with Murtsim, and she recognised him as Baba.

Murtasim came on his toes to come to her level and asked her

Muratsim - Hello Meesam

Meesam kept looking at him, no reply

Muratsim - Do u remember Baba ?

Listening to this familiar word, Meeam said " baba"
Muratsim couldn't help but smile at this and tried to come a bit more closer to Meesam and asked "do u want to come with Baba?"

Meesam suddenly realised the stranger environment and started feeling uncomfortable. Until now she's always been around Murtsim in the presence of her mother.

Her lips started to quiver and eyes started to pool with tears, Murtasim immediately asked her "do you want to go to Mama?"

Meesam with teary eyes noded, he offered his hand to her and reluctantly she accepted it and started to walk with him back in the room where Meerub was sleeping.

They walked up to the bed, Muratsim's heart was beating so fast, it felt like it will come out of the rib cage. It was such a familiar feeling, Meerub sleeping on her side of the bed .. her one hand behind her head and the other one or the side .. the blanket slightly moved down and she was fast asleep.

Murtasim helped Meesam to climb up the bed to wake up Meerub, she tried to snuggle in her mom's arm and Meerub in her sleep hugged Meesam with a smile on her lips and pulled her closer.

Her eyes were still closed, but as Meesam called her name .. she opened her eyes and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Murtasim was watching this mother daughter morning love. How he wished that he was also part of this family morning routine.

Meerub in his arms and Meesam in Meerub's arms. He waking up with Meerub snuggling in him and he giving a kiss to Meerub to start his day.

Meesam's voice broke his thoughts, she was pointing at him and saying " Baba is here"

Meerub suddenly realised that Murtasim is standing next to their bed watching them. She became conscious and immediately her usual self took over and she turned to him with stubbornness

Meerub - kion daikh rahe ho

Murtasim - Daikh bhi nahi sakta

Meerub - Nahi ( and shakes her head )

Muratsim leaned towards her, never leaving her eyes and starts coming closer, she starts leaning back, he kept leaning in, and to Meerub's surprise he does not stop there but place a peck on her head and then move a bit more and gave a kiss to Meesam on her cheek and straighten up.

He has this wide smile on his face and a gleam in his eyes. ( he couldn't believe himself that he took this bold step)

Meesam saw that her mother was kissed and she didn't react so she accepted her baba's kiss too.

However, Meerub was in shock, deep red blush was creeping up her neck and face, her heart was beating fast, and she was not able to say a word.

Murtasim smiled "Meesam woke up before u and walked up to the door, but then she wanted to come back to you that's why I brought her here. Please get ready and come down for breakfast Everyone is waiting for you."

"Oh and Also, tell me what will Meesam eat, so that I get that ready for her".

Meerub was avoiding to look at him, so she looked at Meesam and said " Meesam will eat egg with butter toast, egg should not be well cooked, she doesn't like the crisp, also the toast should not be toasted she likes the soft toast."

Listening to this Murtasim stopped smiling and turned to stare at Meerub, eventually Meerub had to look at him and once their eyes met, Meerub said " yes! She likes her breakfast Just like you"

A tear dropped from Murtasim's eye, and he turned and walked out of the room.


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