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Maylena's Thoughts

I was actually invited to church. Honestly, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, but a part of me thought it might be fun—especially since Dom would be there with me. Being around him made everything feel a little more manageable. I could sense the peace he found in these traditions, and maybe, just maybe, I could find some of that peace for myself.

As we drove, I thought about the things Dom had shared with me, especially the financial struggles he and his sister were dealing with. My first instinct was to help. I had the resources, and I hated seeing him struggle. But I knew Dom—he didn’t like pity, and he definitely didn’t want charity. He took pride in working hard for what he had. For a second, I toyed with the idea of making him accept my help, forcing it in some way, but that wouldn’t feel right. I didn’t want to manipulate him like that. He was my mate, someone I truly cared for, and I respected his boundaries.

Besides, things between us were still new, and I liked the pace we were moving at. Slow, steady, and real. It was a different kind of connection, something that wasn’t rushed or forced. I wasn’t about to jeopardize that by making him feel like he owed me something.

As we pulled up to the church, I glanced over at Dom. His profile was calm, but I could tell he was deep in thought, too. I wondered if he ever thought about the same things I did, about how much easier life could be if we just leaned on each other more. But then again, maybe this was the balance we needed—figuring out our own struggles while supporting each other without stepping over lines.

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The service itself was calming in a way I hadn’t expected. I wasn’t particularly religious, but seeing Dom so at ease, surrounded by his community, made me feel like I was a part of something bigger. I caught glimpses of him watching me out of the corner of his eye, as if silently checking to see if I was comfortable. I gave him a reassuring smile, letting him know I was okay.

Afterward, there was the usual Sunday barbecue. Dom introduced me to a few people—his neighbors, some old friends. They all seemed to love him, which wasn’t a surprise. It made me smile to see how respected he was in his own little world. But as I mingled with them, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more I wanted to do for him. I just didn’t know how to do it without stepping on his pride.

Later, when everyone had gone home, we found ourselves sitting on the porch of his house, the sun setting in the distance. I turned to him, watching the way the fading light caught in his eyes. "You know," I said, leaning back against the wooden railing, "you don’t always have to carry everything alone."

Dom glanced at me, his brow furrowing slightly. "I know," he replied quietly, but there was something in his tone that told me he wasn’t ready to talk about it just yet.

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"I’m just saying," I continued, keeping my voice light, "you’ve got me now. I’m not going anywhere."

His gaze softened, and for a moment, the weight of the world seemed to slip from his shoulders. "I know, May. And that means more to me than you think."

We sat there in silence for a while, the unspoken words hanging between us. I didn’t need him to admit that things were tough—I already knew. But just being here, by his side, was enough for now. We didn’t have to rush anything. I liked taking things slow, figuring out where we stood, and trusting that we’d get through whatever came our way together.

Eventually, he drove me home. The ride was quiet, the kind of comfortable silence that only comes when two people understand each other without having to fill the air with words. When we got to my place, I kissed his cheek and gave him a smile before heading inside.

As I went through my nightly routine, I couldn’t help but think about how different things felt with Dom. It wasn’t just the physical attraction, though that was there too, but something deeper—a connection I hadn’t felt in a long time. As I settled into bed, I smiled to myself, knowing that this was just the beginning of something real. And I wasn’t in any rush to see where it would lead, because for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be.
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