Part 1

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You abruptly sit up from your bed when you hear your alarm go off. It's the first day of school. You stretch your arms for a moment and let out a big yawn before picking up your phone to stop the alarm. "8:03?!" You exclaim. School started at 8:00! "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" You think to yourself.

You jump out of bed and frantically start putting on your outfit for school, then brushing your teeth and hair at the same time. "Ugh, I'm so late..." You groan as you slip your shoes on and grab your schoolbag before flinging open the door and running down the hall to the stairs.

You manage to make it to class, just late by 15 minutes. You quietly open the door to the classroom and slip away to a seat in the back. Hopefully no one saw you coming in late... "Wouldn't want to be late and embarrassed on my first day.." You think. You sit down and place your bag on the floor beside you before taking out your notebook.

You finally settle down and try to listen to what the professor is saying. "Alright class, I'll give you all 5 minutes to get this down in your notebooks because you will need it for the quiz at the end of the month." You think to yourself "5 minutes?! Is she crazy?! That's way too much stuff..." You start frantically jotting down everything on the board so fast that its just barely legible.

Suddenly you hear someone snickering and it breaks your train of thought. You look over at the boy sitting to the left of you and catch him trying to hide his laughing face with his hand. "I-Is he laughing at me?" You wonder. He notices you glaring at him. "Sorry, sorry, please continue." The boy says as he continues laughing quietly.

"W-whats your problem?!" You say in a hushed voice. "Oh, nothing, nothing, don't mind me." He says as if brushing off your question. "Is something funny?" You ask, now a bit annoyed with him. "Well its just- *Laugh* did you really think no one saw you sneak back here earlier? Its obvious you're rushing because you're not even responsible enough to be on time to school, let alone on the first day." He says arrogantly.

"H-how dare you, you don't know me!" You say in a slightly embarrassed tone. "Times up everybody, moving on to the next slide.." The professor speaks. "Damnit! I was't even half way done... This is your fault!" You say, now facing the blond boy sitting beside you. "Whaaat? Me? I would never..." He says sarcastically. "Ugh, now what am I gonna do..." You mumble to yourself, clearly frustrated.

The boy notices how upset you look and starts to feel a bit guilty. "Hey, um.. sorry. You can borrow my notes if you want..?" He says in a sympathetic tone. You raise your head and look up at him. "Oh- uh.. thanks.." You say with a slightly relieved tone as he slides his notes over to you. You begin to copy them down.

[Time skip] *Ring Ring Ring* You sigh softly, saved by the bell at last. Well its fair to say that was a pretty shitty start to the day... You begin to collect your things and get up from your seat. Just as you exit the classroom doors and sit down on a bench outside, you feel some one tap you on the shoulder. You tun around to see who it was and to your surprise, It was the blond boy from earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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