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Veronica looked over her shoulder at her boyfriend. Her was strange to think that way, though there was certainly no question that that's what he was. Jason Dean-The name felt strange, and perfect in her mouth. It suited him, and that suited her just fine. He didn't look comfortable, but then again, he rarely did. His eyes were dilated, she could tell his breathing was shallow. He hated being in school, and until they got out in a few hours he would be in a constant state of high strung panic. He had once told her that the reason he hated school so much was the futility of it all-"We're getting raised to have better lives when they don't seem to realize we all die anyway; Regardless of which x is less than or equal to y." It scared her when J.D spoke like that, like there was no reason to breath.

As class drew on she found that in a lot of ways she agreed with his statement-School was really just an exercise of power, a useless montage to the patriarchy. She knew he was sick, and that at times he was even dangerous, but the grain of truth in some of his sentiments made Veronica feel like an alien in her own world, looking in on the Death Day Parade that walked solemnly with such ridiculous pomp day in and day out.

As the last bell rang she saw J.D was the first person to gather his things and get out of the class room as fast as he could. She deflected the Heathers' requests for her presence and followed J.D to where she knew he was going-Straight to his car. Heather grabbed her arm before she made much progress, a smirk decorating her demonically beautiful face.

"What do you want, Heather?" Veronica asked resignedly, pulling her back further up on her shoulder and watching as J.D disappeared around the corner. She could wait-She had waited this long, anyway. Her special request could wait.

"We need to talk...about him," Heather said, her voice dripping with poison and malice as she used her chin to point to the place J.D had just vacated. She didn't like him...the little creep. He always looked so dead inside, like he didn't care that one of the most popular girls in school liked him, like it didn't matter that he didn't go to any of the parties he and Veronica were invited to, and like it didn't matter that they mattered. She had tried to talk to him, to tell him what place was his and where they stood, but he had brushed her off, instead opting to go pop pills or whatever he did.

Veronica shook her head-"No, Heather, we don't need to talk about him...if he bothers you than you're dropping me," she said, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks as her voice grew more shrill with every beat she didn't miss. The Heathers' attitudes were getting on her nerves-Big Time. "If you have a problem with him, then why don't you just say it out. I am in a hurry, so let's get this done with," she snapped, moving their 'let's talk' to a 'we are gonna tell you what we want to', revealing it's true colours. There would be no discussion, no friendly debate. It wasn't their style.

"He's a druggie...he doesn't respect the rules, he doesn't go to the parties-He doesn't know how goddamn," Brat-Pack-Lead Heather began, letting it all rush forward and spill off her tongue, stopping only to take a deep breath to replenish her shriveling lungs. "lucky he is!" She finished, looking up at Veronica to see her reaction. She was surprised to see how angry the other girl looked, every fiber of her being seeming to shake.

"Lucky? Druggie?" Veronica spat, actual spit leaving her mouth. "You have no idea, Heather, no fucking idea!" Veronica wasn't sure why she was reacting so violently, though she supposed that Heather #1 had it coming to her. It might have been pent up anger, or the fact that part of it struck home somehow, or the fact that it was so far off from the truth. Whatever it was, she kept riding the wave, spitting out more and more insults before taking a deep breath and stepping back, regaining her composer. "You don't know jack about him, so don't think you do," she said curtly, turning on her heel and leaving the other three in utter shock. No one had expected a show like that, least of all Heather #1.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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