the diary chapter 1

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dear diary

I'm starting to wonder if everything will turn out ok. I mean, I know that everything happens for a reason.....but sometimes I wonder what that reason is. in fact, sometimes I wonder if there's even a reason at all. maybe.... maybe there's is no reason to this and I'm just mean't to suffer and be unhappy....maybe just maybe.....I deserve this.....

(flash back)

"daddy, are you sick?"

"yes sweetie, daddy is very sick."

"why are you sick?.....what's wrong with you daddy?"

"my heart is old and very weak."

"Will you stay alive daddy?"

"of course sweetie, I will stay alive as long as you want me to."

"yay, I want you to stay alive until I'm 15 years old."


"haha no, I'm just kidding daddy."

"Ok, good. now go to bed sweetie."

"Ok, goodnight, I love you"

"I love you to"

"JOENEL!?" bella yelled."Oh my god, what bella?" I said."Are you back to reality now?" she asked."Yes, I was just....thinking" I said as I put my head down.

"Thinking about what?" she said with a worried look on her face. I quickly changed my frown into a smile and looked back up at her" Nothing, just don't worry about it" I said as nicly as possible.

"Oh, ok anyways I gotta go before my dad gets home" she said as she stood up off the bench we had been sitting on for the past hour or so. "Ya, and I have to go pick up the kids from school" I said. "Ok, bye I'll see you tomorrow at school" she said as she got on her bike and road off.

Ya, I really wish I had a bike to ride home from the library every day instead of walking home. But then again she does live farther away then I do. Every day after school me and my best friend bella would go to the library and just sit and chat for a bit. Anyways, once I got home I right away started getting yelled at.

"Where the hell were you!" my dad yelled. "I was just at the library" I said. "From now on every day you need to get your ass home and no going anywhere after school!" he yelled. "Why? I go to the library every day and now you decide to be an ass about it" I said.

"Don't you talk to your father that way!" he yelled at me. "Whatever" I said as I walked out the door to go pick up my little siblings from school.


Me: hey

Sammi: hey, can you come over?

Me: I can't my dad won't let me go anywhere

Sammi: why?

Me: I have no idea, but I think I might sneak over anyway

Sammi: ok, don't get in trouble

Me: k, be over in a bit

I waited for my dad to go to the bathroom then I quickly grabed my phone and I was almost out the front door when I heard "what are you doing?" it was my little sister. " oh, umm nothing just going over to Sammi's house for a bit" I said. "Didn't dad say that you weren't allowed to go anywhere?" she said.

"Ok, please don't tell on me" I said. "Only if you do something for me" she said. Ugh, she in one of her brat moods. " Ok, fine I'll get you something from the store" I said.

"Deal" she said with a big smile on her face. I quickly closed the door and ran across the street because Sammi was my nabor and my other best friend. I knocked on the door and she answered and then let me in. We walked to her room and she closed the door and have me a look.

"What?" I asked as I sat down. "Ok, so there's guy an-" I cut her off. "Of course" I said. "What?" she said giving me a confused look.

"Oh nothing" I smirked. "No, what is it?" she ask. " nothing, anyways who is this guy your talking about?" I asked. "Ok, so.... Its Cameron" she said.

"Omg, really?" I asked. "Yes, and we're dating" she smiled. We both screamed. " wait, shhh keep it down or my parents will hear" she said.

"Ok" I put my hand over my mouth. She laughed. "Ok, now I gotta get a boyfriend" I said. "Damn right you do" she said. I laughed.

"Ok, I gotta go home before my dad realizes I'm gone" I said. "Aww, already" she whined. "Sorry, I don't wanna get in trouble again" I said. "Ok, bye" she said.

"Bye, I'll come over tomorrow after school" I said before getting up and leaving.

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