the diary chapter 2

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Dear diary

Is it weird that I feel like something big is about to happen I don't know if it's gonna be good or bad but I kinda just have this deep feeling and it's kinda making me scared. But I guess I just have to wait and find out.


It was exactly midnight and I carefully opened the door hopeing that my parents wouldn't hear me. Well my mom wasn't home she was out at the bar like every night. But I was just hopeing my dad wouldn't hear me. I quietly stepped inside and just as I was almost to my room I was scared the shit out of by the words "where the Hell have you been?"

"Oh, umm sorry I was just helping Sammi with some late studying, it's not a big deal" I said before I turned around and attempted to finish walking back to my room hopeing I was off the hook. "Umm, I don't think so, your not off the hook!" he said. I turned around with a Bitch look on my face. "What the Hell do you mean I'm not off the hook!" I raised my voice.

"Where were you really at because I don't believe you were at Sammi's house!" he also raised his voice. "Wow really, why don't you get off your lazy ass and go ask her where I was instead of assume shit!" I yelled. "DONT YOU TALK,TO YOUR FATHER LIKE THAT!"he yelled. "WHY SHOULDN'T I CONSIDERING THE WAY YOU TALK TO YOUR DAUGHTER!" I yelled back before I went back into my room and slammed the door and started packing.

A few minutes later I heard my bedroom door crack open. It was my dad. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm leaving" I answered.

"We need to talk" he said. "No, we don't need to talk it's pretty obvious that I need to leave" I said as I finished packing my bag and zipped it up. "Joenel, please listen" he said. I stoped and looked at him and listened.

"Ok, I'm sorry for being such a terrible father all these years. I'm just frustrated because your mother goes out every night and you know I'm sick and I can't handle everything on my own sweetie" he said in a soft tone. "To be honest, I really don't care because the way that you have been treating me is unacceptable and I'm done. I can't live like this. I can't live with you in my life because I wanna be happy" I said before I picked up my bags and left.

Did I feel guilty for everything I just said? Yes, but I really don't care. I walked into Sammis house and she hugged me as soon as I walked into her room. She knew what had happened because I was texting her about it and I told her the I was gonna stay here for a bit.

I hugged her back. "You can stay here for as long as you want" she said as tears began to roll down my cheeks. She hugged me again. I started crying even more.

We stayed up for a bit and talked about it. I wasn't crying anymore I was just a bit teary eyed. Next thing we know a ambulance zoomed down the street and stoped in front of my house. We both looked at each other with a worried look.

"Oh no" I said as my eyes got watery. "Its your dad isn't it" she said. "Ya" I said back. We both jumped up and ran out the front door twords my house.

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