Scream Until You Wake

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Drowning, possession, suspected of suicide, medical inaccuracies.

*John's POV*
Today is a resting day for the band, the bus going to be parked by a large lakeside for the night. We spent the day just getting to know the sight, the hiking trails were nice although very treacherous as the ground was uneven or collapsed. We also went swimming in the lake and it was deeper than we initially suspected, that didn't stop Johannes from trying to dive into it, we stopped him because we couldn't tell if there were rocks on the bottom. We were ending the day eating s'mores and telling stupid haunted stories by a camp fire, although weirdly enough Tim was the winner for the scariest story and we learned that Henrik isn't good at telling stories as he always got distracted by something.

"Who knew you were good at starting fires, we tried for what five to ten minutes and you just came and started the fire like it was nothing." I complemented Johannes.

"A content clown should always know how to start a fire, you never know." Johannes responded by taking a bite out of his s'more. I don't even want to know.

"I'm gonna go to sleep, see you guys in the morning." Jonas said as he started to pick up his things. I looked to my phone and 02:35 was displayed on my phone. Slowly we all went to out bunks, thankfully we weren't outside because it got cold very quickly.

I don't know how much time passed since I fell asleep but I woke up with a nagging feeling. Something was telling me that something was wrong. I got out of my bunk and noticed the front door was opened, by trying to check around I accidentally woke up Tim, he was about to say something but I quickly made a shushing signal and pointed to the door. When we saw nothing was missing we went outside. The sight made my inside freeze. We saw both Johannes and Jonas neck deep into the lake and moving forward as if possessed.

"Johannes! Jonas!" Tim and I screamed as we ran to the lake. We tried to get to them as fast as we could but their heads sank into the water. No, no, no, no.

The icy water bit into my skin but I didn't care. I saw Tim swimming to Jonas as he was closer to him and I swam to Johannes. I couldn't see anything in the black water and I was starting to panic. I breathed in and swam down, hoping to feel Johannes. Nothing. It wasn't until I was going to swim up for air that I felt fabric brush against my left hand. I quickly grabbed to figure and swam up as fast as I could. When I broke through the surface I lifted up Johannes from the water and swam to shore, although it was hard and exhausting to drag him as he is heavier than I am. When we reached the shore I saw Tim trying to wake Jonas up, Henrik was sitting by Jonas trying get some heat to him. Henrik's eyes widened when he saw me and immediately ran to help me for Johannes to dry land. When we did I noticed that Johannes wasn't breathing so I turned him in his side and started to hit the center of his back as hard as I could without hurting him further. It took a bit of time before he spit out the water he inhaled. Jonas and Johannes both remained unconscious but alive. Henrik informed us that he already called for an ambulance when he saw us swimming into the water.

"What the fuck just happened?" I breathed as I held Johannes's body against mine. I tried to share the little body heat that I had.

"I don't know. Why would they-?" Tim cried, unable to finish the sentence.

"Do you think they tried to kill themselves?" I questioned.

"I don't know, I don't think so." Henrik responded.

The ambulance came and the paramedics quickly placed Jonas and Johannes into stretchers. When they asked us what happened we answered that it was an accident, that we were having a late night walk and the ground beneath them collapsed into the lake. We couldn't tell them what we saw because they would be on suicide watch and we don't even know if that's the best option. Tim and I are being treated to get out body heats up, Henrik was left behind to drive the bus to the hospital. I stayed with Johannes and Tim with Jonas. I saw them push needles into Johannes's skin, cut his shirt to add stickers into his skin, and add heating pads around him. Still Johannes remained unconscious, all while the paramedics kept asking me endless questions. Johannes's cold hand left mind when we got to the hospital.

The waiting room was quiet as it was 05:58, Tim silently sat next to me. Henrik arrives shortly after. Henrik left for a bit to talk to our manager to cancel the show for today and told our him our lie. When he came back there was a doctor already explaining to us that Jonas and Johannes have hypothermia and are recovering from shock. Luckily we got them to breathe fairly quickly as the consequences could have been far worse. The doctor led us the the room they were staying in, they had a thick blanket on them, wires sticking out from underneath the blanket, and the heart monitors were steadily beeping. The difference between them was that Johannes had an oxygen mask and Jonas didn't. We sat between them and waited for them to just wake up.

"Johannes?" I heard Jonas ask.

"John, he's okay. He's right next to you, see?" I motioned him to turn towards Johannes.

"Thank god." Jonas sighed in relief.

"What happened?" Tim questioned.

"I don't know exactly what happened. I woke up to hearing Johannes trying to open the front door, when I asked him what he was doing he didn't respond. I assumed he was sleepwalking because his body movements were off. He managed to open the door and just walked out. That's when I saw a light outside the bus and I don't know what happened from there." Jonas explained.

"What like a ghost or aliens?" To Henrik's credit he did sound curious.

"No, yes? I don't know." Jonas responded.

"So a ghost or alien made you two walk into a freezing lake and almost drowned you. Thankfully I woke up and woke up Tim." I replied.

"Maybe Johannes knows more than I do, we just gotta wake until he wakes up." Jonas sadly looked towards Johannes.

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