King After King

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-Warning- Fever
*Jonas's POV*
When Tim recalled the events at the hotel my whole world came to a stop, nothing was making sense. John looked outraged, Henrik cursed loudly and I just stood there contemplating what to do next. What do they want? Why did they take Johannes? Is he their bargaining chip or just a way to taunt us? Does this have to do with the light we saw or is this completely different? I don't understand it.

"Jonas, are you listening?" John asked.

"No sorry." I responded.

"We have to be prepared for when they come back, Johannes said to protect you for a reason. He must've known something that we don't. We can't afford to loose you too." John was devastated.

"We didn't loose anyone, we can find him. We'll bring him home if it's the last thing I do." I tried to be confident.

"Do you think we can find him?" Tim quietly asked.

"Yes. They can't just disappear off the face of the earth." John answered.

"They want Jonas, but there's no way in hell that we'd do that so what are our options?" Henrik spoke up.

"I don't know." John replied.

Eventually their voices faded off to the distance and I tried to think of what to do. Henrik is right, they want me. I'm not sure their willing for me to sacrifice myself for any of them but will it even come that far? Will we loose Johannes over a stupid decision? How long do we have until they take someone else?

"Save him." I heard a voice, I tried to follow it but I couldn't detect where it was coming from.

"Only you can save him." The voice said. I turned to my band members but no one seems to hear it.

"Don't trust appearances, they often lie." The voice warned. I don't know what came over me but I knew I could trust that voice.

*Johannes's POV*
I woke up in a small room with no windows and my hands cuffed together so tightly that they bruised my skin. I found small relic's written around the cuffs that meant little to nothing to me, luckily they weren't tied to any wall. I tried to stand up but my world shifted at it's axis and I couldn't figure out what direction was what. It took me a minute to figure out that I was sweating and my skin was hot, do I have a fever? I just sat against the wall furthest from the door and tried to figure out what to do. I heard the door handle shift around and it opened in an odd manner to the point where I could swear two doors were opened.

"Finally you're awake! I was worrying about you." A man smirked.

"Sure." I sarcastically replied.

"Don't you know who I am?" He asked.

"No." I lied but he seemed convinced so there's that.

"My name is Seregor, I brought you here because you happen to have information of where King Kungen is at." Seregor's voice was laced with anger.

"Who the hell is King Kungen?" I tried to act ignorant.

"Jonas. Jonas Jarlsby. I assume that's his name now. Rather fitting." Fuck he knows.

"What makes you think I'd tell you where he is? For god's sake he could me anywhere." I raised an eyebrow.

"You see, that's where the injections come in place. I have given you a serum that would make you into my mindless puppet. Your other self was very powerful, I assume you will be too if given the time." That statement made my blood freeze.

"What? What if I don't follow you?" Stupid question.

"Then you'll die and we'll look for another version of you. Although I prefer you didn't die." How considerate.

"My servants will bring you a change of clothes and food. Oh and don't bother trying to remove the cuffs, they won't come off. As for the servants, they won't listen to you, they can't." The last sentence was more in mockery than anything. When he left the room I cried in frustration and anger, why me?

Around an hour or two passed when a servant came into my room with clothes and food that looked like it was passed it's expiration date. Still I couldn't complain to them, their eyes were white and they walked around without their own orders to do so. Actually now that I look at them, they are wearing all white and have their hair either short or tied up. The woman who gave me the food and clothing was tall enough to reach my shoulder, her hair was a mousy brown color, she had light freckles and her hands looked like she's been working nonstop for ages. Am I going to become one of them? I shuddered at the thought. As she moved around the room, I almost screamed when I saw her back. It was clear to me that she wasn't alive, whatever is controlling her can't be her anymore. She silently left the room.

"Please help me." I sobbed, hoping that anyone would take pity and let me go or the other me helps me. I can't hope my band members help me, that'd put them in danger. I don't know how much time went by but I eventually fell asleep on the hard ground.

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