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Metal never had a chance to actually see the interior of the hotel room he and his friends were assigned to until now.

There were beige walls with a crimson carpet floor, with two king sized beds placed side by side, opposite a big flat screen TV which sat on a nearby table. On the right of it all was a glass wall to admire the rest of the Magic Nights Park from.

But to be honest, Metal could care less about the park at the moment. The robot himself was laying on the bed closest to the window, yet had his back turned to it, staring at the left wall that matched the floor while Silver and Shadow talked softly beside him or to Metal himself.

"You could've asked us to come with you." Silver said, reaching a hand out to his friend, but flinched away when he saw he showed no response at all. He didn't seem mad, or upset, or.....anything. Just.....there.

" weren't gonna leave us behind, were you?"


And then Metal shook his head.

Shadow crossed his legs on the edge of the bed, glancing back at Metal. He knew exactly how his friend felt right now. Even if someone was using you for their own gain... even if they weren't there anymore...the care you had for them didn't necessarily fade away in an instant.

The black and red hedgehog had felt that a few times before....and he knew that it could be a lengthy process to deal with. He wasn't over a particular friend himself....but he knew that the first step was to just....process it.

"...We'd follow you into hell and back if we had to." Shadow stated without hesitation. Metal chuckled lowly at that for the first time, his laugh sounding somewhat like radio static.

" No , you two wouldn't. My existence is becoming more complicated the more I continue to. I don't want to add more to it..."

Silver narrowed his eyes a bit.

"......why wouldn't we? We won't let you suffer alone anymore. You're.... You're part of the Resistance now. You're a person now."

The blue robot flinched at the nearly white hedgehog's words, curling into himself before said hedgehog lifted him back up and wrapped his arms around him.

"A living, thinking, sentient person , with a personality, just like us, don't deserve to suffer alone. Don't think so, because you've done a great job so far. Don't forget that. And besides, I can see your point...things DO get complicated the more we live, but it does make sense sometimes that things end up getting easier the longer you stay with's...."

"....nice?" Shadow finished for him. Silver smiled slightly, nodding before looking at Metal. "See? It isn't all that bad, is it?"

The blue robot shook his head slowly.

"No... Not bad at all."

"Good! Shadow, get in here!"

"I' know what. Sure." Shadow said, about to get off the bed before freezing and smiling with a sigh, as Silver used his telekinesis to pull his shadier friend into the group hug as stars shone in his eyes. "Heck yeah, Team SOS! We did it! And we're gonna do everything we can to keep this world safe for everyone! Right, guys?" Silver exclaimed, his color contrasting teammates looking at him amused before letting out different but low degrees of enthusiasm after such a long mission.

"....apologies, but did you two contact Tails and Amy when they asked us to?" Metal inquired, and Silver and Shadow's eyes widened at the realization. Their eventual panic, however, was halted by a ringing from the phone in the corner of the room.

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