streaming au p2

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(enjoy my attempt at drawing a rise ig) 

It's been nearly 8 months since you got pregnant, and your currently laying in bed as peter is streaming again. He's streaming some new game you've never seen before, and people are already giving him gifts. You're taking a break from streaming until you have the child, and you and peter are keeping it a secret. You call out to get his attention because your feeling hungry and want some sweet chili chips, (if you don't like them, too bad, I love them, just pretend there smth else) he doesn't hear you, so you throw one of your pillows at him. He turns around and asks if your ok and need anything. You say you want some chili chips, and he runs to the kitchen to get them.

While he gets them, you're talking to the chat, since you can see it from the bed. People are asking why you're not streaming lately, and you say that you're taking a break for now. They ask when your gonna start streaming again and you say it shouldn't be to long from now. There also asking you a few other questions like "what's your favorite food" and "what's your favorite game to stream." The first answer is easy, its f/f, the other is harder since you have a lot of games you like to play, but you picked a random one and said f/g. some of the chat also said that they really like that game as well, and that you should stream it when you start again. Peter comes back in your room with the chips and gives them to you, hugs you, then walks back over to the computer to continue streaming. You lay in bed on your phone, occasionally getting a question from peter or chat, you answer them then go back to whatever you were doing on your phone.

---About an hour later---

You're scrolling through Pinterest when you suddenly get a pain in your stomach, but as soon as it came, it was gone. You didn't worry about it, thinking it was just the baby kicking. Talking about the baby, you and peter still had to decide on a baby name. you were thinking Iris if it's a girl and Noah if it's a boy, but you'll ask Peter and see what he says.

You get the pain again and its much worse than last time. Peter hears you making noises of pain and turns around, seeing you start to give birth. He quickly ends stream and picks you up, grabs the car keys and takes you to the car. He places you gently laying down in the back as he hops in the front and starts driving to the hospital.

The hospital is about a 10min drive from your house, but Peter gets there in 6. He quickly grabs you from the back and takes you inside. The hospital staff quickly get you into a bed and help you deliver the child. You pass out after the children are delivered, because you didn't have just one, you had twins. Peter is allowed into the room shortly after the children are out, so he could watch you as they do whatever they do with newborns.

Peter watches you nervously, waiting for you to wake up, you're still breathing so that's a good sign. As he's waiting, he hears two babies crying, slowly getting closer, he thinks the second one is gonna go past, into another room, but is surprised when the door opens and to crying babies enter the room, both being held by a nurse. He gently takes them in his arms and starts crying in joy. He will do anything to make sure they have a great life, much better than he did, he will hurt anyone who so much as yells at them.

As he's holding the babies, he looks over and sees you waking up, you slowly sit up and look over at the two babies in his arms and you also start crying. A nurse walks in the room holding two birth certificates and give you and Peter some time to calm down before she asks for their names. You say the first one is named Noah, and the other is Iris. (For simplicity they wrap them in a blanket that corresponds with their gender) the nurse hands you the two certificates, some free toys they might enjoy and some baby food for when there a bit older. The nurse then left to give you two space to calm down.

You two calmed down and got everything together to get in the car, you sat in the back with Iris and Noah, and peter drove all four of you home. You were really tired and nearly fell asleep in the car, and when you got to your house, Peter had to help you get inside since you were having trouble standing. He got you straight to bed and said he'd deal with everything else. You fell asleep not long after getting in bed.

---a few days later---

You and peter began a stream called "something exciting!" and waited for people to join before starting it. You and Peter explained what's happened in the last few months, then you got the big reveal.

Peter: we had something exciting happen at the end of last stream, which is why I had to end it suddenly.

He gets up to get the twins from the crib.

Peter: we had twins!

The chat exploded after seeing the twins. You were trying to read the chat and saw one question in particular asking "so now are you 2 gonna be the kind of parents who use their children for views?" you said that you two will definitely not be using your twins to get views, and you think that parents that do that shouldn't be parents.

You kept the stream going for a few more minuets answering questions and other stuff, but you eventually had to end it because you all had to eat.

(I am ending it here, because I also need to eat and I'm running out of ideas to keep writing for this)

(also fnaf songs in 8d sound amazing)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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