'Taking What's Not Yours'

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"I don't really know if she cares or not, all I know is she left a lot of stuff in my apartment, she's never getting back. And as the smell on my pillow fades, her cigarettes might stay, like a Roman Coliseum. A dry and worthless monument to our love"


Squalo's POV:

It was around mid day, me and Tiziano are laying in our shared bed, Clash was just chilling in a cup of water near our bed. For some reason, it feels nice to have him out when I'm just relaxing. I can feel Tiziano's hand run through my hair, I love this feeling, it's an overwhelming sensation of comfort and warmth. I wish everyday could be like this, just me laying on my lovely husbands chest while he plays with my hair and we just sit in silence, enjoying each others company. I feel Tiziano slightly move as he stops playing with my hair. "Hm?" I hum in confusion, silently asking him why he moved. "I forgot, we ran out of groceries yesterday. I need to get some so we can make dinner tonight. Would you like to come with amore mio?" He said. I thought about how to respond for a second before I finally figured out my answer. "I think I'll stay here, I need to shower anyways." I answered, of course I wanted to go with him but I want to shower before we go out for dinner tonight, I've been so busy lately that I just resorted to putting dry shampoo in my hair and putting nice cologne on. I don't think he will mind anyways, he knows I've been busy and in desperate need of a break. "Alright, that's fine with me." He says as he gets up from the bed and starts putting his shoes on. I get out of the bed as well and retrieve Clash, I picked up and emptied the glass into a nearby house plant. Even though it's my stand, I still feel weird drinking from the water he was in so I use it to water the plants. I put the cup down and walk to the bathroom, once I get there I turn on the shower and take my shirt off. Before I could take anymore clothes off, Tiziano walks in to say goodbye to me. "Goodbye dear." He says before caressing my bare chest and kisses me. Once the kiss is ended I say my goodbye. "Goodbye love, please stay safe." I wait not even a second before he responds. "I will, don't worry." He said before he walked out of the bathroom and to the front door. I sigh before taking the rest of my clothes off and going into the shower. As I feel the warm water trickle through my hair and down my body I think to myself how lucky I am to have a husband as attractive and charming as Tiziano is. I sort of space out while cleaning myself and before I knew it, I was done with my shower. I grab a towel and dry myself off before entering the bedroom. I rummage through our drawers, I cannot find a single pair of boxers. Then I remember we had ran out of detergent so we haven't been able to do it for a few days. I see that Tiziano still has a few clean pairs. He wouldn't find if i took a pair, right? I mean, we technically are married so it's not that weird. After a little more debating, I decide to just take a pair, I would rather not go without boxers for a day. I carelessly put the boxers on and then realize after looking for pants that I don't have any nice pairs for dinner tonight. We really should have went shopping earlier, I would rather go without boxers then pants. I see a pair of nice dress pants that look identical to a pair I have so I check the size to see if they are mine and I see they are a size too small, I'm pretty sure I could fit into these, but what if Tiziano wants to wear them. I look on the bed at Tiziano's side and see he has a outfit already laid out for the date. I really don't think he'll mind then. I slip into the pants and hear the front door open. These pants feel tight even though its just one size too small, it was too late to turn back now, I'm going to have to wear these because I'd rather not let Tiziano know I'm taking his clothes. I grab a button up from the closet and put it on, it was a blue-ish color similar to my eye color. I hear the bedroom door open and I'm greeted by my husband. We always hug and kiss if only one of us left and came back so, I routinely had my arms open ready to embrace him. He walked over to me and we embraced and gave each other a peck on the lips. By the time he got back, it was sunset. "We have reservations at the fancy restaurant at 8:30, its currently 7, we need to get ready." He said and I nodded. I walked to the bathroom and started playing with my hair, trying to make it look nice. After a bit Tiziano walked in, dressed fancy like. "Well don't you look astonishing." I say after turning to him. He smiled after I said that, god his smile is so addicting. He walks over to me and I take his hands, as we hold hands we just stare at each other for a few seconds before I move my hands to his waist and he moves his over my shoulders. We lean into each other and kiss for only god knows how long, all I know is I felt like I was about the melt the entire time. Even though we have been married for two years and known each other for four, I can't get over his kisses. He is such a good kisser. After our kiss, we detached from each other to finish getting ready. After we were both done getting ready, we get in the car and go to the fancy restaurant we had planned to go to.


Sorry if this was absolute shit, I haven't made a story in a while and just randomly decided to get back into it. Anyways if you wanna see the date you can request it but if you don't then I won't go thru the trouble of making it. 😋 Word count: 1109

'Fuck it I love you' Squalo x TizianoWhere stories live. Discover now