Chapter 2

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I entered class, my head held down and rushing hurriedly to my seat.

"You're late, Ichinose," hissed the teacher.

I didn't respond, hunching myself over to hide my chest from his beady eyes.
Being given the jumper by Shinya Hiiragi to not get in trouble was kind but with the Hiiragi crest on it, it was still risky to wear it. If anyone saw that I was wearing a jumper that belonged to the Hiiragis, people would assume I savagely attAcked one of them to get the jumper.
The teacher rolled his eyes, turning back to continue explaining whatever he was explaining.

Being at the back of the class gave me an advantage, nobody could glare at me unless they turned around and I could fall asleep without anyone noticing. Also, I was right next to the window which meant that I was always being comforted by the soft breeze blowing in.
I stared off into the distance, unable to stop thinking about Shinya Hiiragi, and how he had decided to help me without even hesitating.

The rings of the bell brought me back to reality. Already the end of school?

I flinched as I glanced back down at my workbook. I hadn't done anything apart from daydream.
I closed it, packing my bag. Hopefully the teacher wouldn't ask me to look at my book.
But of course I jinxed it.

"Ichinose," he called out once everyone had exited and I was about to leave.

"Yes?" I asked slightly guiltily, facing him.

"I want to see your book," he snapped.

I held my breath in, giving it to him obediently.

He flicked it open, scanning through it. Then, he snarled "Detention."

I killed a gron of annoyance.

It turned out the detention room was mostly empty apart from me and a second boy that had been sent straight to the back, me right at the front.

I had to finish my work that I hadn't done in geography while the boy... I didn't know who he was or what he was doing, actually.
And with the glaring teacher sitting in front of us, I didn't dare to look over my shoulder.

After what felt like hours, he finally nodded, standing up and leaving the room.

I guessed from that that we were finished.

I quickly packed everything for the second time before standing up.

"Ichinose," called out a voice behind me.

I was about to reach the doorway when I turned around.

Shinya Hiiragi approached me with a bright smile.
"What are you doing here?" he asked me in surprise, blinking at me.

"I didn't do my geography work," I explained bitterly. "And you?"

He sneered. "No jumper," he laughed.
My whole face burned.

"It's my fault!" I stammered. "I-I'm sorry-"

But he cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"It's fine," he smirked. "Honestly."

He held out his hand.

I slipped off the jumper and hurriedly handed it to him. He thanked me, shoving it into his backpack. And then he walked out, leaving me alone once again.
I blinked, then jumped when my phone started ringing.

I picked it up.

"Yes?" I said.

"Where are you?" demanded Sayuri. "Me and Shigure have been waiting here for hours!"

I pursed my lips, telling her "I'm coming now." And hanging up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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