Chapter 33: Seafood

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"



Their eyes were on mine, but my eyes were on Sage, glaring, leering. He had the hint but only shrugged. It made me more annoyed when his actions were sadistically irritating me. I just couldn't agree on making me their housewife. 

"Really!? I had an intuition that Helio cooks, but I didn't know it will come out to be true!" Ms. Aelyza beamed. 

"After all, he's the one and only son of Chef Joo," Sage added which made me more annoyed. He's got the audacity to spill my personal life.

Everyone thought for a moment before realizing. Tori gradually making her jaw ajar.  "You're a five-star son of a b-" 

"Son of a what?" I cut her off.

"Son of a best chef!" she gasped while I cringe in her reaction. 

Amid all the background commotion and the noise the rest of them let out, there was Rijo, he asked, "You cook?" My attention quickly turned to him. Locking our eyes made me fluster inside. I somewhat got a little bit surprised when he voiced. I didn't realized I was staring at him for the past thirty seconds. He thought I became weird from the looks of him not breaking the stare.

"Ah! ah, yeah. I think," I stuttered. They all seem to be amazed. Am I not the type of person to look like good at cooking?  

I noticed Sage, every chance he gets, eyeing at me. He looked annoyed which I didn't know the reason. Maybe he's in his bipolar phase again. Him getting irritated at everything makes me irritated too. 

"Oh! Then you'd be a really good housewi-" before Noah even finished his statement, I shot him a leer which he quickly got the message. "-fi. You need a really good house wifi," he continued with a silly excused. "Because I learned how to cook using the internet so... yeah."

All eyed on him. But from the looks of their faces, they all look like they are already used to Noah's weirdness.

"That's great!" Ms. Aelyza squealed. "Wait for a moment." She excused herself to go talk to other coaches.

" you eat five-star food everyday?" Tori asked. She looked curiously captivated by the idea. "How about shrimp, do you take off the skin before or after cooking it. You look healthy, does your dad take care of your diet, too? Do you shame sisig? If you're cooking does he act like Gordon Ramsay? Wait, you should join master chef," she infinitely asked questions. It gets more noisy when Noah fans the flames with his aggressive nodding.

"I- are those even necessary?" Tori nods when I asked.

"You're mother must be in heaven!" She added excitedly. We looked at her since it kind of came out wrong to some of us. "Oh, no! I mean she's super lucky!"

"Yeah, you can say it like that, or I could say she's a CEO on her company and change the whole story," Sage blurted spewing unnecessary things about my life.

Noah raised a brow, "you seem to know everything about Helio."

"Do I? Well, I'm not sure about that, we've only been friends since childhood, and our parents seemed to be really close. I guess you can say it like that."

I scrunched my upper lips. 

Tori commented, "So that's why you seem to be really close."

"Oh yeah! I remember when we were kids, we used to shower together." He chuckled. Quickly, I reacted in disbelief like why would he share something like that? "It was funny 'cause he's a bit taller than me since then but now he's below my shoulder." I felt offended and pierced my mouth. The others seemed intrigued about his unnecessary stories. 

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