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Imagine watching someone break, watching them die slowly, day by day. Painful, huh? Well, in the case of Aimar, that was it. He was breaking, whenever I see him, my heartaches. I loved him, and that was what hurt the most. I couldn't bear to watch him suffer and constantly blame himself for her death. I haven't met her before, but I knew she was a nice person, and if Aimar couldn't notice the love I had for him because of her, I wouldn't blame him.

"Mama, will daddy be okay?" I stared at Ayma's innocent face and nodded.

"In sha Allah, he will be. Allah is with him, and we have made Dua's, our lord will not fail us, okay?" She was little, just five, she couldn't understand my words. But from the look in her eyes, she trusted Allah, and that was what mattered the most.

"I'll ask Allah to keep you and my daddy safe." She said. My eyes glanced at Aimar's motionless body laying on the hospital bed, and I smiled. "He will."

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