- The Prologue -

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"She'll be ok, right," a young mother asks. 

"Of course Hunny, we always think of something," her husband replied roughly.

A young couple stand solemnly over a young sleeping three year old girl, surrounded by tons of medical equipment. Needles and  tubes coming in and out of their little girl. The doctor's words now echoes in their clouded minds, talking about illnesses, transplants and surgeries.

It wasn't fair, they didn't have the time, resources or money for this shit and for a sliver of a second they considered if this was some kind of karma for the awful personalities. The doctor had explained that their baby Isabel would be in and out of surgeries throughout the next few years and needed several organ transplants. However he then had explained to them that the waitlist for these donors was crazy long months, some even years long.

"I need to clear my mind,' Sarah bit back at her husband before storming off. 

Sarah stalked down the halls of the dreaded hospital each turn getting more and more annoyed at the situation she was put in. How the hell was she meant to scheme her way out of this one? Looking up she found herself in the private sector of the paediatric wing. She scoffed at how was it that some people were so disgustingly rich that they could have their own private room in a hospital? Let alone a child? 

She continued a grumpy walk down the hallway of the private sector. Mumbling to herself that I have one for her situation was and how it was so unfair that she wasn't famous and wealthy, like she had always dreamt to be

If she continued down her thoughts was cut short by a tiny innocent giggle. This caused Sarah two pause in her tracks. Just a little head was a door left wide open. Slowly, she snuck forward to take a peek inside. 

Inside the grand private room, set a small girl, no bigger than her own daughter. The girl had small curly brown locks, rosy pink cheeks in the most beautiful crystal blue eyes she had ever seen. And the one thing ticked Sarah off was this young girl was the picture of health. And suddenly, with that plan formed in the woman's head. A sick twisted sinister plan.

The awful woman stuck her head carefully inside the room, taking a good look of the other girls surroundings. Within the room, there were no adults present. Only one small boy, slightly older, looking than the little girl. Who was fast asleep on the fluffy brown couch. This was perfect.

"hey there, little girl. I'm a nurse. I'm going to be taking you to your... new hospital room," upon realising the confused look on the young girls face. Sarah realised she probably didn't need to lie because the young child had no idea what she was saying anyway. Picking the little girl up from under her arms, Sarah swiftly made her way out of the room and back down the hall.

Upon arriving at the room, she was meant by her husband, confused yet annoyed look when she came in holding the new small girl. 

"What the f—," he was about to shout. 

"look, I'm a genius. Normally when parents have a sick kid, they decide to have another child just so they can use it for parts. I'm not gonna do that. Besides, who needs a new child when we can take this one." Daniel's wife curtly cut him off.

"for starters, this is a crime and second of all I don't want to have to look after another shit," he complained

"Oh, please. She was left alone. We're doing this child, a favour. Besides, all we have to do is feed it, and make sure her organs are healthy." Daniel was about to say something else. Then he realised his wife was right Plus, this would save them heaps of money.


With that, the two had decided it was a perfect idea. Decided it would be best to skip town and start again. They unhooked their daughter from all the machines and ran with both little girls.

Moving across the States, they moved away from the big NYC to a smaller town in Rhode Island.

 Over time they settled into the small town lives, content with using the young Illyana, for any blood transfusions, bone marrow, and other things that the little Isabel would need. And overtime it was working. Like they had hoped no one had come looking for the little girl, I know had any issues come up with the transfusions. 

Until one day, their little Isabel took a turn for the worst. Isabel Matthews now at age 4 needed a kidney transplant. Unknowingly to the Matthews they were to find out why the kidnapped girl was in the hospital in the first place. 

Like any transplant Illyana had to undergo several tests and examinations to make sure her body was in good enough health to undergo this procedure. Unfortunately, they found she had an underlying heart issue that prohibited her any huge surgeries. They found out all the needles and prodding was fine but she wasn't going to be able to go under without putting her own life and organs at risk. 

And little did that poor little girl know, from day forward, that one trip to the doctors would change the course of her life for the worse.

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