04 | The Talk

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Illyana's POV

The white crested door stood silently like the barrier between me and the scariest of unknowns

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The white crested door stood silently like the barrier between me and the scariest of unknowns. As I gripped the cold metal handle the taunting feeling of fear slowly crept up behind me.

Twisting the door I allowed it to swing open itself, like my feet were permanently glued to its spot in the doorway.

Peaking in, I looked around the room and its contents. A slightly bigger room than the office I was in before. It was nice open with two of its walls made from frosted glass. A huge book shelf on the left, I wonder if there's anything good to read there.

Centering the room was a wide cool marble desk with one chair on one side and two couch like chairs on the other.

Occupying those chairs were two young men, one with dark brown hair and the other with more mousy brown hair like my own. Though they were sitting with their backs to where I was, it didn't take a mathematician genius to tell these men were tall and intimidating.

The idea of turning on my heels and sprinting out the door was completely and utterly betrayed by the kind hearted officer behind opening his big stupid mouth.

"Illyanna sweetheart, these are your brothers," he said as he guided me to the other side of the desk, grabbing the attention of the two men.

Had I been terrified at the back of their heads it had nothing on the fear that came about when I suddenly locked eyes with the oldest one.

His stare was both intense and purposeful, holding no emotions but raw authoritative power. His cold dark demeanour made me shrink further into my shelf, casting my eyes straight to the ground, releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hello Bambina, I'm Bellamy. I must say you look so adorably beautiful," the young man said with a cheery smile. The unexpected words of kindness made me snap my eyes to him in utter shock.

Surely he is not talking about me, what is beautiful about me?

The second man had a much calmer sense to him, his soft inviting light brown eyes crinkled slightly by his smiling features.

He seemed to radiate comfort yet charming confidence the complete opposite to his, who I could only assume was his older brother.

"What are your names?" I asked quietly, which surely had not come out as more than a whisper.

Upon hearing the question the younger man's smile faded into a saddened frown as the scary man snapped his cold questioning eyes to me, boring into my very soul.

Oh no, I shouldn't have asked that, I should have spoken. Wasn't asked to neither was I given any form of permission. They won't want me now or if they do they'll certainly punish me.

I muttered a quick sorry before re- averting my eyeline to the ground, in hopes of escaping their judging looks.

"Oh love, don't apologise!" The hazed eyed man exclaimed as his face softened slightly.

"My name is Bellamy, I'm your second oldest brother and this is your oldest brother, Alessandro," Bellamy answers as Alessandro continued to stare.

"Does he speak?" I paled as I realised the pure thought of curiosity slipped from my mind to my tongue. Stupid stupid stupid!

Completely out of the blue the older man chuckled slightly, which I could only imagine didn't happen often as even Bellamy was shook staring at his brother like he had grown six heads in two seconds.  

"Yes my little one, I do," he spoke as his deep voice rumbled, it made me shiver yet somehow felt so comforting. There was no animosity, no cruel or back handed meaning behind his words. And for a split milliseconds I could have sworn there was a hint of joy sparkling in his eyes.

He sent a small curve of the lip, the tiniest smile but to somehow it managed to ignite the warmest feeling in my chest. After what felt like a life time of staring into his deep dark eyes, Alessandro looks up to the officer.

"What do we need to sign," he asked demandingly, almost like all the emotions he had just showed me had been drained. I would have been utterly terrified if Bellamy wasn't constantly sending me a warm smile.

- - - - - - -

After the boys had signed all the necessary paperwork and documents to legally put me under Alessandro's care they escorted me out to the car. Bellamy had mindlessly grabbed my hand in which I had to try my absolute hardest not to flinch at the sudden movement.

I think he noticed though, because he glanced down momentarily with an unreadable expression. I hope he doesn't think I'm weird.

Walking towards the car park I expected to be heading to a nice car due to their nice pressed suits and they way they carried themselves but complete shock racked my body when a tall well dressed butler man greeted them and opened the door to a limousine.

They said nothing but instead nodded to him, but I felt that, that was rude so I answered for them.

"Thank you mister butler, driver man..." I answered sheepishly, my pure confidence of thanking this man's completely ran off the tracks as I realised I had no dear how to greet him.

I deep chuckle came from the car as a big muscular arm reached out to pull me in as the driver smiled and called out a 'you're welcome' before closing the door.

As the car began to pull out I took in my surroundings, the long lavish interior, with lush velvet floors and pristine leather seats line the inside of the car.

Truthfully I was in awe, so in awe it took all but a second to realise i was sitting right next to one of the big scary giants. Practically shoulder to shoulder to shoulder. Or more like shoulder to mis arm, how tall are they?!

Looking up I realise Bellamy, was staring down at me with an unrecognisable look in his eyes. We stared at each other for a moment till I realised he was probably staring at me for a better reason than a little competition.

Suddenly a started to get nervous. Was I sitting to close? Did he need personal space? Was the kindness in the office all an act and he was trying to figure out how to hurt me?

A wriggle away from him a little to create a safer distance. When he saw me move he looked like he was about to say something but decided against it and continued to stare ahead.

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