How it is now

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miguels pov:

"I have to do something about it Lyla, I can't just let her do all these dangerous mission alone" I started to pace without noticing "and why? Cus she doesn't 'like people' " I sighed "It's not worth the risk" I rub my temples, iv'e been avoiding this for a reason.

"first off, stop pacing please it's making me motion sick" Lyla started, "that's not what-" does she know what motion sick is?
"secondly! It's the villains to blame ! Cus you and I both know she's one of the best spiders here"
She appeared to my side "You gotta trust her Migs she said she can handle it" I turned my head to face towards the screens in my office "she's still a kid Lyla" I say

"I know Miguel" Lyla starts to move around holding her chin "you know she's gonna have a bad reaction" Lyla said, not even trying to make me feel any better about this
"yes Lyla, i'm aware she will not like this" I say coldly giving her a look, she quickly zips away

We both know we can't let her continue like this. But which team to put her on?
I called Peter B to come to my office, as much as he annoys me sometimes he's also close with Sarah so he should be able to help me decide.

"What's up migs!" migs, such a weird nickname. I roll my eyes softly before saying "Im sure your aware of how Sarah's been doing on missions recently" and he sighs with slight frustration, knowing exactly what I mean. "yes I am aware"
"so you understand we can't just let her continue like this?"
"I guess we can't, but what can we do other than-" he cuts himself off "oh right, 'not a people person' "
I nod as if to say 'yea'

"me and Lyla were talking and I think it's best if we put her in a team" He takes a moment to think to himself, Mayday blabbing in the silence
"It would be safer for her I suppose"    I can tell he's been putting this off too

"Suppose?" He looks at me with confusion
"Suppose is a big word for you" I say in an attempt to lift his mood which has so obviously faltered, I turn to face a different set of screens with lists of spider groups. I briefly scan each one, and with each one I found, I also found reasons not to put her in them.

He swings up to the platform and stand next to me "haha sooo funny!" He says sarcastically while placing his hand on Maydays head, but I can tell his mood is at least a little better

"so, why did you need me ?"
" oh right, I need your help choosing a team to put her on" Without a second going by, he answered
"Team with Miles" All I could do was look at him with a face that had a mix of 'what?' and 'come on now'
"And why would Miles's team be the best choice?" I can't wait for the stupid answer he's gonna come up with
"They both speak spanish" I scoff and rub my temples as soon as he said it, but after a second thought .. "Wait that might actually be a good idea"

"Exactly!" He says, picking up Mayday from the weird baby holder he has on his chest 24/7
" it would do Gwen some good to have another girl on the team wouldn't it May!" He says in a stupid baby talk voice, it's killing me. He sounds like he needs to cough when he does it and it really gets under my skin.
"she is one of our best spiders, and that team is quite good" Lyla added, randomly appearing in front of us
Mayday giggled at the particles coming off of Lyla

"Alright, I'll get Sarah in and Peter you make sure the team is in the building for when I call them in"
Peter nodded and was about to leaver before he said "can you keep mayday for me! just for a bit" But before I could answer he swung out the door "thanks! Byeeee"
Of course, "guess it's just you and me Mayday"

I messaged Sarah to come in and she responded almost immediately
and not long after that, my office door swang open and I knew it was her. Cus no one else swings my door like theres no tomorrow.

sarahs pov:

I swing Miguel's office door open, he doesn't care when I do it but he would for sure go ballistic if someone else did it
"Tío! que pasaa" I love talking to him in spanish since the only people I know who speak it well enough to hold a conversation is my grandma and him. "Hola, sobrina" Miguel replies to me

I brought some quesadillas!" Of course he didn't ask me to bring them, I just did out of the kindness of my heart.
That and I don't wanna be on a team.

I shoot a web up to his platform, handing him one of the wrapped quesadillas. I wrapped them separately since I assumed they weren't gonna eat at the same time. "Gracias, make sure you thank your abuela from me" Uhm, what makes him so sure I didn't make them by myself? Rude cunt frl
"Who says I didn't make them myself" I say playfully as I flop down into his office chair, slouching
"Who says your able to cook ?" "ha ha that was comedy level bruv" I say sarcastically, even tho I love the little banters between us

I picked Mayday up and let her lay on my chest since she had been sitting on the floor and looked sleepy, Peter probably left Miguel to babysit her lmao, I softly rub my hand down her head & back making sure not to wake her up but to soothe her.

Miguel places the wrapped quesadilla on a table and leans on a desk, opposite me. "you know Sarah, if you didn't speak spanish I would've though you were british" My jaw drops, am I that pale?? Surely not
"Your humor and accent are just like a brit" I laugh at the clear annoyance in his voice, some of the people here seriously get under his skin and his reactions are literally everything.
He gets soo riled up he's like a toddler sometimes I would never dare tell him that though, I may consider him like an uncle but he still scares me in some circumstances y'know. His fangs are Spooky shit for realllll.

He then lets out a sigh, is something up? "Estás bien?" I ask
"Si, si" He stand up proper supporting himself without leaning on anything "It's just about your performance recently" damnit, I knew he was gonna talk about that. I start to panic slightly
"Tío trust me I can handle it! I was just in a weird funk y'know?" I say making sure not to wake Mayday
He gives me a pitying look
"I know you can handle it, but your getting more and more hurt each time" He's not wrong, I had a really close call with an anomaly in my dimension the other day "who knows how long till something actually happens" He has a point..

"but it's not you it's-" "what the man means to say is, The villains are getting harder to deal with and we can't risk you getting seriously hurt" Lyla cut him off with a much cheerier tone than he had
"You sounded pitiful Migs, gotta help a friend out!" She teased the latino man
She then turned to me "So were putting you in a team" She smiled "wait what??" My face dropped
"I know this really isn't ideal for you-" "Ya think?" Now I had cut him off, I knew he wouldn't like it but that wasn't the most important thing on my mind right now "please try understand sobrina" Miguel pleaded but I ignored

I held Mayday in my arms as I abruptly stood up, I placed her gently in the chair without waking her up.
I then turned away from Miguel and Lyla, slinging a web down from the platform and leaving the office without saying another word.

Im struggling to write these chapters bruuu 😭😭
But iswr theyre gonna get better, trust the process loveliess🙏🏼

Spanish translations :
sobrina = Niece
que pasa = whats up?
Estás bien? = are you Ok? / you good?

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