Chapter 1: Reunions and Encounters.

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-Narrative POV-
Amidst the blend of memories and the peaceful embrace of nature, there's wonder in witnessing the meeting of new people. Each encounter, like stars colliding in the sky, holds mystery and possibility. As you journey through time, witnessing your past and present intertwine, you're struck by the mix of nostalgia and change. Life's dance weaves you to unexpected moments, where you encounter both familiar faces and mysterious strangers. Life is a complex dance of continuity and transformation, where the known mixes with the unknown. In these meetings, you find the chance to discover new aspects of yourself, like constellations lighting up your soul's canvas.

Among these encounters, there are those whose presence intrigues yet carries darkness. They invite you to explore the uncharted territories of their minds. As you stand at these crossroads, you must tread carefully, aware that some meetings may hold danger and emotional upheaval. Yet, it is in these mixtures of light and darkness that the tapestry of your life unfolds, revealing the intricacies of human connections and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

-Ayame's POV-
I step off the train, and onto the station's pavement. Looking around me, I notice the faint murmur of people talking to one another as they wait for their respective trains. The beauty of the hills and rustic architecture of the homes captivates my attention. A small realisation of the silent and tranquil ambiance hits me. This was nothing like London, it was serene, almost magical. I take in a deep breath, allowing myself to fully appreciate the cleanliness of the air and the smell of petrichor in my surrounding environment.

I love the smell of freshly fallen rain, it brings back memories of playing in the rain when I knew I wasn't supposed to. Memories of sitting at home, waiting for the rain to stop so I could go out and see my friends. Feelings of both nostalgia and anticipation for the future filled and overwhelmed me.

I clear my mind and pick up my oversized suitcase, dragging it along the muddy path with me. The sound of my rain boots splashing on the damp soil was the only thing that could be heard.
Wait, no. Not the only thing. Distant giggling could be heard, further up the road into an avenue. I slowed my pace, not being too sure if I wanted to continue up the road or not. What was awaiting me? As I near the tree littered road, the giggles only became clearer and more sinister. I halt and look around, searching for the source of the noise. Maybe if I found it before it found me, I would be able to escape undetected. I make my way deeper in, still not having discovered the unknown creature. Nothing. "I can't seem to find it." I thought, when finally, I spot it from the corner of my eye. I breathe out a sigh of relief as I turn my head towards the mischievous little fae. She had pale, purple hued skin with beautiful wispy, teal-green hair. The viridescent feathers making up her wings glistened in the light, making her quite hard to miss. Her eyes were a dark black, with pupils as red as spring poppies. Such a beautiful creature.
"Hi there, little one." I giggle. The fae zooms to my face, intrigued by me. A large grin spreads on her face.
"Hello! I hadn't realised you could see me." Her quiet voice squeaked at me. The tiny fae then proceeded to grab onto my hair and cheeks as if she was analysing me carefully. It tickled. I'm thankful it was her I met, her innocence and childish mannerisms brought me back to my own childhood. I recalled my youth and naïveté. The good days. I then realise the time and decide I should get home before it gets dark.
"I really should get going, I need to go home and unpack my things. You're free to join me if you'd like, if not, I'll be sure to come back visit you." I beam at her, reassuringly. I'm already looking forward to seeing this feathered friend again. A look of disappointment shrouds her expression, she frowns but exhales. The little Neighbour nods at me as if to say she'll see me again and then waves me goodbye. I saunter away, thankful it was just a friendly fae and not some other malevolent creature.

That could have gone much differently.

The closer I am to my new home, the more relaxed I feel. The commute from London to this part of the countryside was tedious and exhausting. I can't wait to arrive, take a hot bath and rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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