15~Lost Memory Gained Back

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Doctor arrived and was checking Ishita, Raman was waiting for doctor's response. Meanwhile Ishita had gained her senses and was being patiently questioned by the doctor. "How do you feel now?" he asked, she smiled slightly. "Better, but where's Raman? My husband?" she asked. "He is waiting here only, but as you fainted all of a sudden, its better to know if you remembered anything from the past," he said. "I got triggered by the conversation which happened between me and Raman along with my ex best friend Ashok, because of the blurry flashbacks, I fainted," she said. "Did you see anything clearly?" he asked.

"I did, but first please call my husband," she said and the doctor went and called Raman and came back with him. As soon as he came, she clutched onto his arm and looked at him tearfully. "Raman, you know I recalled everything, from our marriage till whatever happened before the accident, and also the conversation which happened between me and Ashok previously before our marriage, and one more thing, I never talked to him after marriage, he avoided me and all of a sudden he caused my accident, I remember it all," she said.

His happiness had no boundaries after getting to know that finally his wife is back to normal and that she remembers everything. "Really, you recalled everything?" he asked happily and she nodded. "I recalled everything," she said and he smiled and sat in front of her, they shared a hug. The doctor left them alone for the time being. But suddenly Ishita moved away. "Raman, even after my memory loss I was staying with you, you did so many efforts to make me recall things, did you do it all out of friendship or love? I don't think friends do this? It's love, isn't it? Then say those four magical words to me? Say it, say I love you Ishita,"she demanded cupping his face.

He took her hand and kissed it. "Yes Ishita, it was all out of love, you did a lot for me and so it was my turn, so I did many attempts, yes Ishita, I love you, my love for you would always be pure, true and eternal, it won't ever fade away, I won't ever trouble you now, no tears would be there in your eyes as the correct life partner is not the one who ruins your mascara but the one who ruins your lipstick," he said.

She smiled and once again they shared a hug. "I love you too Raman, only you have the right to ruin my lipstick, only you have the right to love me, hug me and kiss me, now you won't ever go away from me, right?" she asked. "I won't go, all my time is for you, my eyes would always do the honor of eyeing you lovingly, my ears would always be there to listen, my nose would always breathe for you, my lips would always kiss you, my hands would always touch you as if you are a glass doll and my arms would always carry you, and my feet would never mind walking beside you,"he said. They smiled.

The doctor arrived and they released the hug. The doctor did the check up. "Now that she's alright, nothing would trigger her again. All thanks to you Raman, you only made her fine, more than the treatment it's your love that made her fine," he said and Raman smiled. Ishita was discharged and so he got her down from the bed and they walked out of the hospital and sat in the car.

"So you finally said it that you love me," Ishita said. "Yes I did, not forcefully but by my own wish and because I wanted to. You are a magic in my life, you only lit up my dark life. Now that the darkness met light and that I finally got the light to the end of the tunnel, I won't ever go back to that woman who was a tunnel at the end of the light,"he said smiling at her, a smile slowly spread across her lips as well.

"Let's break the news to my mom and mom in law," she said and he nodded. "Mom and mom," he corrected and she smiled. He drove off to Vasu's house, she got down the car and ran out. "Ishita!" he called out after her and she turned to him and smiled naughtily at him while running and stopped at the gate. He also got out and walked to the door and rung the doorbell. "Why didn't you ring it when you were here before me?" he asked. "So that mom doesn't thinks that I am alone here, she should know that we are together," she said.

Vasu answered the door and was amazed to see them. Ishita hugged her all of a sudden. She hugged her back. "What happened? Everything alright?" she asked and Ishita released the hug. "Yes mom, everything is alright, we are here to tell you that I have got back my memory," Ishita said breaking the news. Vasu smiled. "And there is one more news," Raman said. "Yes, Raman finally confessed his love for me," she said happily. "That's a great news, may God keep you both together always," Vasu said, they bent to take her blessings and she blessed them.

"Wish you a long married life till the last breath," she said and they stood up straight. "Mom, you aren't going to ask so soon that when will you get a grandchild, right? Its too soon mom, he just confessed his love, I know we have been together for more than a year, but still," Ishita said and Vasu cupped her face. "I won't ask so soon, my biggest wish before was that you get the person's love who you love, you got that, now my only wish is to become a grandmother. Where I can wait so much for my first wish, I can wait for this wish as well," she said. They smiled.

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