Chapter 3

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I woke up breathing heavily, my chest was wheezing, and I was sweating like crazy. I shakely opened the drawer next to me, first turning the knob then I pulled it open, but there was nothing. I was sure that I had put it there.

I started coughing rapidly. I heard a squeaky sound coming from my chest, and I immediately knew that I had started wheezing. Inhale, exhale, as mom used to tell me whenever I'm in a situation like this. It was the 4th rule she had given me ever since she found out I was asthmatic.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I'm here." Sky ran over to me with a backup inhaler. That was also one of the rules my mom had given Sky in case of an emergency like this. I am so glad that we took those rules seriously.

Where did that even come from? I took it from her, and I first shook it, then I inhaled it, and my breathing pace started being normal again. I touched the left side of my chest to feel my rapid heartbeat beating starting to slow down.

"Are you okay?" She asked, and her eyes with worry all over them. She wanted to touch my shoulder, but she lifted her hand away.

"I'm fine." I said harsher than intended to.

I got off my bed. She furrowed her eyes at me. She didn't seem to worry about me when we were in the car, but now she seems to care. I could feel her burning gaze trying prying on the flesh of my back.

I wore my glasses, from the top of the nightstand right next to the photo of my mom and dad, so I could see better. I made my bed by getting rid of the excess blankets and only laying my formula bed cover.

I headed on to go shower.

Today, I needed to go find a job, well, part-time to be specific so I could buy a phone so that I could be ready when school starts, I thought

I stripped off my clothes and I got in the rectangular glass containing a shower hanging way above my head. I turned it on and I let the droplets make contact with my skin and my hair which needed a wash.

I had a nightmare, which is why I woke up wheezing. I had a nightmare that everyone I had in my life had gone away from me, and I was all alone, in the dark. Even my shadow left me and I kept running and running until it led me to a green emblem that was closed. It was like a game, a riddle my head wanted me to solve and inside I heard my mother screaming.

I turned off the shower. I wrapped my body in my scruffy, uncomfortable towel around my head and another one around my body. I got out of the bedroom to wear my clothes.

I wore blue faded jeans, yesterday's shirt and a blue sweater which was torn on the side. I wore my dirty, worn-out sneakers.

I should wash them. I joined Sky for breakfast. We were having leftovers as in the pasta her boyfriend ate. It was cold but it was still good. I did notice the glances Sky was sparing me but I kept staring at my food, not wanting to meet her eyes.

I took put an old beanie to tame my wild curly unkept hair.

I walked out of the door, and I walked through the hallway of the west wing dormitories. There were walls of fame on some of the walls next to the doors on each side. I saw some of the smartest people who were here. I stopped to stare one of boards.

The one I admired the most graduated here when he was 20 and I'm here at 18. It was not that long ago, maybe last year. He did medical studies, no one knows where he ended up bug I am definitely sure that he is successful wherever he is.

Matteo De Luca

He had an IQ score of 254. Which is a lot. I read about him in a high school paper. I haven't seen his face because I didn't really care, but I admire his intelligence. He seems very introverted from what I've read about him.

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