Zethura: The Hero Of The North

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Zen wake up in a small, dimly lit room with stone walls and a comfy straw magical mattress on the floor. As he sit up, a musty smell fills his nostrils. Outside, the faint sound of birds chirping can be heard. He notice a wooden table beside the bed with a rusted knife and a folded piece of parchment on top with a magical orb.

The parchment contains a message, written in elegant handwriting. It states that you are on a mission to kill the Urama, a notorious group of outlaws who have been terrorizing the villages. They were responsible for failing to kill the dragon priest, who still poses a threat to the kingdom. Your task is to track down the Urama and eliminate them before they can cause further harm.

As you leave the room, you find yourself in a narrow corridor with torches lining the stone walls. To your left is a staircase leading upwards, while to your right is a heavy wooden door. Alternatively, you can examine the parchment or the knife on the table.

He then walked to the end of the room and saw a door leading to outside, As he open the door he saw people standing with pitch forks and said" this is the last time we will stand those Urama's they have plagued us for the last time let's all mar h out and end them says a man with a huge sword".

He then walked to the end of the room and saw a door leading to outside, As he open the door he saw people standing with pitch forks and said" this is the last time we will stand those Urama's they have plagued us for the last time let's all mar h...

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The huge man then turned to Him as he glared and said "Your a swords man how about joining me with the two of us as skilled swordsman we could take the Urama's, and bring fame to our names. By the way I'm Griphamore who are you?", seeing the huge man addressing him he then said" I'm Zen and I live in this house, I have a mission to go kill the Urama's so dont worry ,I'll take care of it". He then walked away from Griphamore and though to himself " No way I'm splitting the loot as the Urama's are wealthy and the fame he'd gain would be great enough to impress the king Pagima" who rules north of Planet Zethura his kingdom was called Otara priden of the north.

Pagima's army was large and they had control of the north but the enemy of was The Easthaven as that Kingdom are of Elves and dwarves along with the ogers that kingdom is Kuma Easthaven. For years Kuma Easthaven has been in war with the Otarain's as they always have malicious feelings towards each other.

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