A Deal with Star Wolf

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The whole lab was trashed, papers where everywhere and nothing really made it of importance. Falco and Weiss looked around the place. "The monkeys sure left this place kept up." Falco said. "What are you needing between this rubbish anyway?" Weiss didn't respond looking through files and folders on desks but nothing seem of importance. "Ice Queen?" Falco said. 

"Don't call me that!" Weiss said with frustration in her tone.

"Oh, sorry, didn't know you'd be all grumpy." Falco said going back to looking for things of importance.

"You wanna know why I'm doing this? I need it for my friend, I need away to bring her back, this is not who she is and it kills me everyday knowing this is the reality of things." Weiss said.

Falco seemed not to respond at all, but he came up against something, a large machine. "Whoa check this one out?" Weiss turned around to see what Falco had found. "What is this machine?" Weiss asked. "Hell if I Know." Falco said. Just then Slippy came into the communications. "Hey Weiss I searched through all the data, I found something that could help your friend." Weiss raised her eyebrows. "Talk to me what is it?" Slippy smiled. "There is this machine that is called a de-roboticizer, it reverses the effects of what she is at the moment." Weiss gasped, "you mean we can make her a faunus again?" Slippy nodded his head, "exactly, it's actually in the Venom Laboratory, named Kamella. The one in the Bouldergeist Lab, is just the actual roboticizer, apparently a Venomian researcher stumbled into the robiticizer so they had to make a machine to reverse it's effects. Now alongside the code that is built into your friend is a whole different story." Weiss was seeing all the information from her lens, "the code is a series of supersonic wavelengths including patterns, numbers, letters, and symbols all carefully structured to induce a obedience like state into the mind of the subject, using a high end chip attached to the brain of the subject when activated it can make the mind shut off. The code should not be that hard to crack as what I understand, it can be negated by introducing codes that will disrupt the communication to the chip."

Falco rubbed his head, "you just killed me with all whole ton of nonsense." Weiss looked down. "how long will it take you decode it?" Slippy scratched the back of his head, "I don't know this is something I've never seen before. Maybe a few months who knows." Weiss closed her eyes, "hmm do it, I don't know how long this war will last anyway."

"Wolf is coming onto, Zoness,  are you sure you don't want me there?" Fox said.

"I'm sure." Weiss said getting out of the lab, "look for anything that will help Slippy." Weiss said towards Falco.

"Yes, Ice Queen, I know." Falco responded. 

Weiss walked towards a plain as a lone Wolfen flew down to dock on the floor. Weiss waited with a serious expression on her face, she closed her eyes, and opened them to see Wolf in front of her. "Well if it isn't the pretty one, Weiss." Wolf said. Outside of his comms his voice was low he had a very deep soothing voice. "Wolf. I don't come here to seek any alliance with you. I merely come here for you to free this prisoner in particular." Weiss handed Wolf some records. Wolf smiled, "I understand I am after all a mercenary, but it does come at a cost."

"Name your price and I will see if it's a go." The heiress said.

"Blake I suppose was not as you thought she was, when you ever return her back to normal, she is to be kept with me."

"There's no trade on that one." 

"I think it seems fair, a body for a body, don't you think?" 

"Yeah I do, but there's no deal on her."

Wolf shrugged his shoulders, "as you say, if you won't give me what I need, then there is no deal."

"Do you need money? What exactly do you need?" 

"How about this, when next we meet, and when we do, I want you to leave Star Fox to just fight me, after all 5 against 4 doesn't seem fair. So why not I take you on, man to uh... woman." 

Weiss closed her eyes, Wolf was a skilled opponent, no doubt she would be meat if she fought him. "Okay, you got yourself a deal." She had to this for Blake.

Wolf chuckled, "good, and just this guy? Why do you need a Venomian Prisoner?" 

"That's is none of your concern." Weiss said. 

Wolf chuckled and looked up to the cloudy skies of Zoness, "Fair enough, you know, Andross wants you bad, especially knowing your connection to Blake. He's got the same fate as her planned for you." Wolf looked down, "turned into one of those freaky robot. I say run while you can woman. However, I know that is not what you'll do." Wolf began to walk to his Wolfen.

"Aside from that remember this, Weiss, I will cut that pony tail from your body when next we meet." Wolf said grinning at her.

Weiss narrowed her eyes gulping at the thought of that. The wolfen flew out of the orbit at fast speeds, Weiss remained looking at the skies where Wolf had gone too. "I will not lose to you." Weiss muttered, but somehow she wished she sounded confident in those words. "I found something in the lab, might wanna get back here." Falco came in her comms. Weiss looked up once more to the skies and walked back to the lab. A fate just like Blake? Forced to attack her friends, and also spliced to become a machine bred for war, she shivered at that thought the thought of hurting her friends without her knowing, she wasn't going to allow that. 


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