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*TRIGGER WARNING for period-typical racism (explicitly slavery and human trafficking), sexism, discussions of/implied rape and depictions of violence and death. General warnings for homophobia, transphobia and ableism. I do not condone any form of discrimination, but American and British history is not clean and I will not be sugarcoating it.

*If bold text has a star before it, that means it's an author's note. If not, then it's a historical fact related to the chapter.

*I didn't learn American history in School, other than that of the slave trade. Some moments or characters may be slightly historically inaccurate, but know that I tried.

*Don't be a silent reader! If you enjoy this, please let me know through votes and comments.


Life is realistic. 

That's what people want you to believe, but it's really not. In actuality, it's the polar opposite. Frankly, if reality was exactly how you'd expect it to be, we'd still be chasing deer and banging sticks and rocks to make fire. Humans are simply creatures of habit, and lying to hide the cruel truth is one of them. Most lies are easily disprovable, but the lie that life is realistic is a bit harder to disprove than most.

That is, until someone miraculously crashed into the White House on live camera, and Dalia got a call from the American government that that was her childhood best friend, Irena, that's been missing for over a decade

Not only that, the kidnapping she convinced herself of- the kidnapping she still blamed herself for- wasn't some amateur kidnapping at all. Instead, Irene was apparently taken into some weird amish cult in America, where she was brainwashed into believing some really weird shit.

The fact that they refused to answer any reasonable questions was ridiculous. They made her sign a fucking NDA just to discuss the whereabouts of her long-lost and kidnapped friend. A friend that she never stopped looking for since her mysterious disappearance- the disappearance that both Lithuanian and American governments were apparently aware of.

Of course, this international cult had to find a person who would not be missed by her dead mother and baby daddy. But then the government then did fuck-all to find her, despite literally knowing who took her, because who cared about some poor orphan girl on benefits? Who cared about a young life lost, never to be seen again?

Well, fuck them- all of them, to the very last one- because Dalia never stopped caring. And, of course, when asked, she instantly agreed to take Irena under her care because she'll be damned if she lets any person suffer under whatever fucking power-trip the government gets out of having them.

And that's how she finds herself in Washington, DC- taking a break from videos, she told her fans, and how she wishes that was the truth. Instead, she's in some black interrogation room, being told the horrific things that happened to an innocent person.

"What's the name of the cult?" She asks- no, demands to know. She wants to know what complete sickos decided it would be fun to force someone to play such a sick game of pretend- who put poor Irena in front of a gun multiple times, who starved her and assaulted her, and perhaps have a few strong words with them. Or, as she is in America- land of the Second Amendment- the less diplomatic option.

"Unfortunately, this information is classified."

This is ridiculous. "For fuck's sake, I signed an NDA!"

The agent sighs- as if he has the right to be annoyed, as if his loved one disappeared right before his eyes. "Miss Dalia, you have to understand that you are a high-profile individual. Were you not so famous we could grant more leniency, but it is too high of a risk in your circumstances. All you have to know is that she acts like it's the 18th Century, she thinks that she's a historical figure, that she's a man and that time travel is real."

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