train journey

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Your pov

As i wait nervously for the train my eyes dart around looking for mione i pull on yah red skirt as the train station gers more busy. As my eyes dart around looking for her i suddley freeze when i see a pair of silver ones stair back at your. i start to panic thinking your naked but after your ruin your hands down your body your assured that your not. i look up again to see the silver eyes still staring at you

Mionie: thier you are y/n I've been looking for you everywhere this is harry and ronn this is ginny.

Y/n: hello everyone is it realy you the famous harry Potter mionie has told me all about you

Harry: haha yes it is me the one and only

We all laugh as the train arrives I look to were them silver eyes once were but they were gone mabey I'd imagined it Monday blues or fresh nervous.

As we get to our carage thier is a blond girl with weird looking glasses on.

Luna: oooo I love your outfit am luna . Luna lovegood who are you I've never seen you before are you friends with the nargils.

Y/n : am y/n black and what's a nargil

Luna: nargils are cheeky creatures they live in mistletoe

We all sit down and start chatting I tell them all about my old school and answer thier questions about it

We slip into our robes and we start debating wich house ill be put into since I don't have my tie yet Ron jokes about me being stuck with a lad named Malfoy they spoke with such disgusted.

Ginny: stuiped ferrit boy thinking he's better then everyone

Miornie : oh my farther will hear about this she mocked him in such a hatred way

Y/n: wait hold up ferrit boy ??

Harry: oh yes one of the teachers turned him into a ferrit two years ago was funny 😁

Y/n: can teachers acultry do that here nothing like that happened at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

Ron: technology no but it happened anyways

They all giggles making me wonder what this lad had done for people to dislike him so much as to turn him into a ferrit they way they talked about him was the same way others talked about you know who

Luna was quite most the train ride she had her head deep in a book I could tell me and her were gonns become great friends. I loved to read I use to read to my house elf plop she was my only friend when u was little I didn't find mionie until I was 10 . the train carrgie rattled and the wind howled vishusaly. rain spat at the windows . outside it looked dead and glumy but inside it was filled with laughes and gigles it was filled with wormth.

trolly lady : anything off the trolly

we all got a choclate frog . eveyone expect luna that is who still had her head in her book.

ron: oh no i got Rowena Ravenclaw ive allready got her 2 times

mironie: i got Bertie Bott

ron: not fair i dont have her yet wanna trade

mironie just looked at him like he was stuiped me and ginny both got Helga Hufflepuff and she didnt seem asmused that she got the same as me i donno why but i got strange feeling she didnt like me. harry got Albus Dumbledore.

harry: this was the first ever card i got he said with a smile

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