chapter 1

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Hello! I'm back into writing again! I'm gonna finish my other book glitching away tomorrow so this will be most likely my most active book now! You might know me as the author for destined by the fate of the gods! This book will take longer to finish as I will mostly like only upload once a week since I usually write this story when I have extra time at school, but I'll try to meet the deadline every week. My schedule will probably be that I will be posting one chapter every Sunday or Wednesday if I finished the chapter quicker. I hope you enjoy this story as much as people enjoyed destined by the fate of the gods! (My writing is still improving so I'll try to make my chapters better each week!)

--Author Miyoko

The rising wind blew into my hair, frilling my bangs to the side. The majestic mountains shone in the sunlight, away from mortal contact. I sat at the edge, staring down at the nation which my mother ruled over. In every century that passes, people go. I've seen many in the time I've lived. Some dying, some thriving, and some coming into this world. This world was a cruel place, a place that takes away things you love, yet mortals thrive as if this is a world of joy. I watched as children ran around, chasing each other. One day those children would grow up, die, and leave this world as I would stay against my will.

"Well, Mother's going to be looking for me soon, I better get going before she finds out I escaped." I got up from the Sakura tree that sits on the edge of the Narukami Shrine. Making sure I didn't leave anything behind, I sneak to the back of the shrine, hoping no one would see me. I hear a slight rustle behind me, catching me off guard. I spun around, ready to attack what was behind me. There was a little bird, a finch to be exact. It hasn't been leaving me alone for a while and always follows me around. I sighed, bending down to scratch its chin. A smile escaped my face as I looked at the satisfied finch before me, trying to think of a name.

"Well, well well, looks like someone is happy for once." I quickly got up and shooed the finch away, before spinning around to see the head of the Narukami shine, also my mother's friend. I scoffed as she chuckled and wiggled her ears, making her earrings jingle.

"You're lucky I didn't tell your mother about your little adventures outside. I went to visit your mother and I saw your window was open so I decided to distract her so she wouldn't come looking for you. You can thank me later."

I glanced away and replied with a hum, before walking away. I look down the mountain, Sakura trees surrounding every inch. Entering from the back wall of the estate, I look to see a glimpse of platinum hair before the figure vanishes into the trees next to the estate. I ignored it as I climbed my window, glancing around to make sure no one would spot me before I headed inside. Right as I sat down at my desk, my door flung open, and my mother grumbled inside. My mother glanced at me and spoke.

"Someone came into the estate and took a vision of a person that I was about to take. They had platinum hair with a streak of red hair. If you ever see him, capture him and bring him to me." I nodded and looked back at the documents on my table, trying to act as if I was there the entire time.

I've been locked in this estate my entire life. As the unsuccessful creation of the electro Archon, I was kept as a secret, something that the world isn't supposed to find out about. I'm just here to assist my younger sister, Raiden Shogun. As she rules these lands after my mother, I'll just lend assistance to her, helping her with documents. My life was meant to be a meaningless one, one that no one would want to live in. Someone that isn't supposed to love.

But I did love, not another god, but a mortal. Someone that was the love of my life. Back then, I was weak. I had a soft heart and cared about things. I met someone on a walk. I became friends with a mortal, and we fell in love. But my mother was forced to be summoned to another nation with her sister to fight a disturbance in Teyvat. As my sister's creation hasn't been made yet, I was forced to watch over this nation. My mother left the nation in the hands of her friend, but I felt the right that I needed to help. I would escape into the darkness every day, dressed in dark colors so that no one would recognize me. I barely knew how to fight back then, only learning from watching the training soldiers have I learned how to fight. Most of them used spears, but I'd watched Lady Yae Miko fight before, as I took interest in her weapon. That's the one I possess now in the present time. I tried to fight as much as I could against the darkness, many of my mother's people dying by my side, hoping for a better life for future generations. Everything was going so well, until that day came along. A day I would never forget, a day I wish that I could have been stronger.

Many of the monsters had been pushed back by then, as the village seemed safer than it was a week ago. Many people were trying to survive as I roamed the streets, pulling my veil down as my face couldn't be shown. Silence filled the streets, and I stopped. Looking back to see a wolfhound, holding someone. Everyone around me started to move, running away from the village, screaming and shouting as they ran towards the estate seeking shelter. Many more appeared out of their portals, ready to ruin the lands that I long loved. I picked up a dropped sword and I threw it at the hounds, landing it straight in one of their chests. I heard a boy scream, and I froze, recognizing the voice. Nothing could prepare me for everything that was going to happen. I grabbed out the daggers I always kept on me, shooting them at the hounds until they were all on the ground, weak. I rushed to my lover's side, holding him in my lap. I saw as he had a massive slash on his back, bleeding. I held him close to me, trying to convince myself he was going to be okay. In the blink of an eye, he took his final breath and left this world.

I swore to myself I would never love someone ever again after that, fearing I would feel the same pain again. It's been 500 years since that incident, but it's still engraved into my mind like it happened yesterday. The day after that disaster, I received a vision. An Anemo vision.


Date: 7/30/23 

Chapter 1

word count: 1214

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