Chapter 3 - Graduation: Taking the First Step

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"Wake up.", Kurenai's voice called to Rimuru through the fog of sleep and dreams.

Whimpering softly, Rimuru jerked his eyes open to see the obscured figure of Kurenai beside his bed. "Can't you... not just tell Iruka-sensei that I have created a real clone?"

Because he really wanted to sleep. His tired body and mind were already calling him back to sleep, his eyes falling closed as he remained in his curled up position with an extra pillow in a tight embrace.

An amused hum was the only warning he had for the two fingers attacking his forehead with a nudge. Again he whimpered and opened his eyes.

Against his body's desire, Rimuru forced himself to sit up and face the morning. He fixed his tired eyes on Kurenai, who gave a fierce, victorious grin. "Good morning."


The grin from her only grew more victorious. "It's your own fault."

Rimuru sighed in defeat. "I know..."

"Don't take too much time getting dressed. Breakfast will be ready soon," she informed before he ruffled his already messy hair and left his room.

"I'll..." The tired girl covered her mouth as a yawn erupted from her. "I'll be right down," he said through his yawn.

Rimuru stretched his arms over his head and stretched through his back before slipping languidly off the bed and onto his feet. Dormant pain awoke in his legs as soon as his feet touched the floor, and regret followed.

Problematic. Maybe the hard workout the night before hadn't been such a good idea. No point complaining about it.... Rimuru yawned again. Rimuru trudged wearily to the shower, while his feet dragged the whole way and his eyes were barely open.

After dressing, combing his hair and brushing his teeth, he finally made his way to the kitchen for breakfast.

Fried eggs with toast and bacon were waiting for him at the table while Kurenai cleaned the pan she had been using; a gentle smile was on her face as she hummed a soothing tune.

Rimuru cleared his plate and enjoyed every bit of food before washing his plate while Kurenai dried the rest of the utensils.

When all the morning chores were done, Rimuru returned to his room to get his bag so he could go to school.

It did not take long for him to reach the academy as Rimuru was once again early, as he liked to do, but that early arrival came at a price today. When he entered the classroom, he found not only Iruka and the usual early risers, but also a few members of his amorous troupe who were also already there. Inwardly, he banged his head against every solid object he could find on his way to his seat, knowing that the moment he sat down, they would swarm around him like moths to a flame.

Carefully and as quietly as possible, he put down his backpack and sat down, hoping not to attract attention. It didn't work. They still came to him and began the morning ritual, which he took no pleasure in at all. One day is all I ask for. One! One day without the horde. Is that too much to ask?!

To his despair, Shikamaru refused to help him when he arrived. Instead, he watched him with his annoying grin.

Finally, and Rimuru meant a long finally, Iruka began his lesson. "We will now begin the final exam. When I call your names, please proceed to the examination room. The final exam will be on clone jutsu," Iruka explained.

A glance at Naruto revealed signs of panic in his body language to his trained eye. 'Naruto ... you haven't mastered it, have you? Rimuru sighed.

"Rimuru Uchiha, you are the first," Iruka said.

Rimuru starts a new life in the Naruto WorldWhere stories live. Discover now