Chapter 30

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Tarik hadn't planned on having sex with Jameel so soon, but the way Jameel had stared at him with heat in those lust-filled eyes. It had been impossible to control himself. He rolled onto his side to look at Jameel.

He was lying there, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

"Jameel, how are you feeling?"

"A bit of pain but I'm feeling good."

Tarik was happy to hear that. He had wanted to make his first time memorable. He rolled onto his back, bringing Jameel closer to cuddle against his body. Tarik pressed a kiss to Jameel's forehead before closing his eyes.

"What about you? Did you enjoy it?"

"I wanted to stay inside you." Tarik opened his eyes to look at him. "Does that answer your question?" He smirked when Jameel blushed, before ducking his head.

"I'm hungry." Jameel told him.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Surprise me"

"I'm going to take a shower first then cook you dinner."

Tarik slipped from under the covers and swung his legs to the floor. He got up from the bed and strode naked towards the bathroom door.

He wanted to ask Jameel to join him in the shower but changed his mind, he wouldn't be able to resist the temptation.

He took a quick shower, not wanting to stay too long in the bathroom. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his hips.

After setting out a fresh towels and a toothbrush for Jameel, Tarik exited the bathroom.

Jameel was sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone. He looked up when he entered the room.

"You can take a shower."

"I don't have any change of clothes."

"It's fine. You can wear my clothes."

"Am I spending the night with you?"

"Yes, I want you to stay with me tonight then I'll drop you off at class tomorrow."

"Okay. I'm going to send a message to my dad letting him know that I won't be coming home tonight."

Tarik went to his closet to get him one of the new pajamas he had bought a week ago. He also grabbed some clothes that he thought would fit him.

"Here, you can wear these." Tarik placed the clothes on the bed. "They should fit you."


Jameel stood up and Tarik watched as he walked to the bathroom. Those firm globes beckoning him. He rubbed a hand over his face with a groan, grateful when the door closed behind Jameel.

He got dressed then went downstairs to the kitchen. He always kept the kitchen stock with food just in case he decided to invite anyone to his house.

Deciding on what he should cook was easy since he already knew Jameel's favorite foods.

By the time Jameel came downstairs, he had dinner on the stove.

"Whatever you're cooking, it smells delicious."

"Thanks. It's spicy seafood soup."

"Hmm... one of my favorite."

"I know."

"Do you need any help?"

"I'm almost done." Tarik turned to Jameel with his arms folded across his chest. "We need to talk about this stalker."

"What do you mean stalker?"

Tarik watched him intently for a minute then pushed away from the counter to walk towards him. "How long have this been happening to you?"

"For a while now. It started with encouraging letters then it changed to profession of love."

"Do these letters have any familiar markings on them?"

"There's usually a flower or rose attached to the letters."

"I'm going to need you to show me these letters. Maybe we can find out which flower shop those flowers were purchased from."

Tarik grabbed two bowls from the cupboard and handed them to Jameel to put on the table.

"I have them hidden at home in my bedroom."

Tarik placed the pot on the pad in the middle of the table. "What would you like to drink?"

"Do you have any fruit juice?"

Tarik went to the refrigerator and grabbed the jug of fruit juice along with two bottles of water. He placed them on the table then took a seat.

"What will happen if you told your dad?" Tarik asked.

"He would put me on lockdown."

Tarik frowned as a gnawing feeling erupted in his stomach. "What line of work is your dad in?"

"He's in law enforcement."

Tarik paused slightly at the news. He hadn't expected Jameel's dad to be a cop. He forced a neutral expression on his face, as he cleared his throat.

"How long has your dad been a cop?"

Tarik continued to eat but the food felt like stones in his stomach.

"Twelve years."

During the rest of dinner, Tarik kept up the conversation so Jameel wouldn't feel bored asking him about football and his classes. When dinner was finally over, he took the dirty dishes to the sink.

"I don't mind doing the dishes since you cooked dinner for me."

"Okay. You wash and I'll rinse."

Tarik watched Jameel's face for a minute, a smile on his face but he was worried. Would Jameel still feel the same way about him when he finds out everything about his family?

"Tarik, are you okay."

"Yeah. I was just thinking about what we should do about finding out who this person really is."

"How about installing a small camera in my locker."

"We could but we would have to be careful. I don't think it's legal to install cameras without permission."

"What kind of camera?"

"I'll be right back." Tarik left the kitchen and went upstairs to the door opposite of his bedroom. He closed the door behind him and strode over to the closet. He pulled it open and knelt down to search through his things.

After he found what he was looking for, he grabbed the small black bag then returned to the kitchen.

"What is that?" Jameel asked, drying his hand. He walked over to table to watch as Tarik opened the bag.

"Mini spy camera." Tarik pulled the camera from the bag and placed everything on the table. "This should work."

"Tarik, why do you have a spy camera?"

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