Chapter 1

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Jameel awoke to the sound of his alarm beeping. He opened one eye an looked his room before he tapped the button. He gave a tired sigh, as he got up and threw off the covers.

He sat on the edge of his bed, staring outside his window, rolling his head from side to side, easing the tension in his neck. He got up clad only in his navy blue boxers brief and walked to his laptop.

He turned it on as he passed, heading straight for the bathroom. After brushing his teeth, he went back to check his messages.

There were messages from his teammates and friends from his school, cheering him on for tonight's game. He smiled as he wrote Game Day on his status.

The night of the game, the football field was packed. He stood in the middle of the field with the other players, waiting for his chance. He was pumped up with energy, thinking about this win. He glanced at the clock, the time counting down.

The referee blew the whistle and the opposing team kicked the ball into the air.

Jameel watched the ball before running after it, the cheering of the crowd loud in his ears. He dribbled the ball, avoiding his opponents attempt at trying to intercept the ball.

He successfully dribbled the ball pass his opponent and scored a field goal.

He pumped his hands into the air, smiling as one of his team member clapped him on the back.

Jameel watched his teammates with the ball, which they passed to him. He already had a plan in his mind to score the touchdown. He dribbled the ball pass his opponents, heading for the net.

With the clock counting down, the cheers, he moved as fast as he could. He brought his right foot back to kick the ball into the net, when one of the opposing member kicked his foot from under him.

He hit the ground hard, rolling onto his back. He grabbed his knee in both hands, groaning in pain. He heard the referee blew the whistle and raised a red card, signaling a foul.

Jameel stood up despite the pain and signaled to his coach he was okay. He took the ball and started dribbling, he passed the to his friend, who dribbled the ball pass the opposing team to his other teammates.

Jameel ran along, waiting for the ball to be kicked to him. When he got the ball, moving pass and avoiding the opposing team.

He saw the net ahead, gave his friend a nod as he raised his foot and kicked the ball. At the same time, he saw the same guy from earlier running towards him.

But it was too late.

Jameel woke up drenched in sweat, from his dream. He let out a sigh before he got up to use the bathroom. He limped into the bathroom to use the toilet and brush his teeth.

His mind wandered to the night of the football game. He remembered his knee getting kicked really hard, the pain.

He had scored the touchdown, winning the game. But had gotten injured by that guy.

A medial collateral ligament sprain (MCL) the doctor had told him and his dad. For eight long weeks he had to wear a cast.

Although the cast had been removed, he still had to wear a brace. He had to avoid any strenuous movements. He had to take things lightly.

He put a pair of shorts, a vest and his sneakers. He made to put on his knee brace before going downstairs. The house was quiet since his dad had already left for work.

Outside was overcast, just quiet and calm. He ran, passing houses. Ran until he passed the park. He just kept running.

By the time he reached back home, he was tired. Since it was a Saturday he decided to just chill until the party later. He went upstairs to take a shower, emerging just in time to hear it ring.

He picked up his phone. "Hello."

There was no answer.

Just silence.

He hang up his phone, placing it down on the table and finished eating his breakfast. He answered the phone when it suddenly rang for the second time.


Silence again.

"Look, if you're going to waste my time, don't call this number again."

Jameel hang up with a frustrated sigh then looked at the time. It was ten in the morning.

After he was finished eating, he went into the living room and put on the television on a comedy show to relax.

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. He got up and went to the door, looking through the peep.

No one was there.

He opened the door and stepped outside, his foot hitting something hard. He glanced down to see an envelope with a red bow on it. He bent and picked it up, staring at it warily. He went back inside, closing the door behind him.

At first he didn't want to open it but his curiosity got the better of him. He removed the bow and pulled the paper from the envelope.

Jameel, you're more than just an athlete. You're special.

He placed the letter back in the envelope and went upstairs to put it into a box containing more letters. He had started receiving the letters when the year began. He still had no idea who was sending the letters.

He kept them hidden from dad since they were harmless. His dad was very protective of him. He pushed the box underneath the bed, out of sight.

He heard his phone ringing and ran downstairs to answer it.

"Hey Jameel. How are you doing?"

He smiled when he heard Malia's voice. They had grown up with each other since preschool days.

"I'm good. Just here relaxing."

"Are you still coming to the party later?"

"It's my first party since the cast came off. I wouldn't miss it."

"Good. I'll meet you there."

"See you later."

Jameel stood at the window, watching outside. Thoughts racing through his mind of the identity of this person sending him those letters.

What exactly did this person wanted from him?

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