Car Accident

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Next day i woke up with a really deep pain on the tooth again.. there was a lot of people wanting to have lunch in the restaurant and wanting to taste our new ice creams we bought the last month..
Day was really good, the guests were really kind and the environment was really good and joyful.

When nobody was in the restaurant, i decided to go to the bus station, accidentally i didn't see if there was any car riding in the road, and when i decided to cross the street, one car, went directly towards me,and crashed me hardly, i was pulled by the impact and was thrown myself to the rubbish box..
Was a lot of inconsistent and didn't wake up til i hear/feel an ambulance taking me to the inside of the car and picked me up to the hospital.

"What happened?" I said still seeded..

"Welcome mrs.. you are in the hospital" -.  * Doctors said kindly*

"What has happened?"

"You suffered a car accident" -. Said one of the personal

"What,and my family and friends!?"
Said a bit worried

"They couldn't come to see you, ome of your family members said hat they are working,and he just only asked about you"
*doctor say to try to calm me*

«Was two whole weeks in the hospital, to maker some checks and to see if i have some traumatism on my head
And yeah they were right i suffered some traumatism, that made me forget some things
Less that today the boys will make another podcast to explain the facts and to talk about the supposedly car accident that I suffered»

"Well you'll have to be careful next time you'll cross the street, we're going to give you some holders or  help to hold my body and could walk something..."
*They said really serious*

«Went back home in  uber ride
And i took the couch instantly
I turned on the plasma TV and watched the podcast they made
Also i put some ice in the hurted leg, and some to the arm»

"so be very welcomed guys! to this podcast called "dark secrets", where you could tell everything about you want"

"Hi, and thanks for having us " said Harry to start the podcast

" So tell us guys, during all this time, how did you feel, knowing you got thousands fans and now.. you got lovers/girlfriends, how.. how do you feel right now?"

" Well it's kinda weird, we hadn't amy personal life since we're famous and we have a really tight schedule, you know..shows and interviews, meetings ect, anyways we're grateful for all the support and love our fans and label"
*said Liam to continue the speech* 

« he didn't mention the girlfriend thing.. isn't a bit weird? *thought inside me* »

" we're always grateful for our fans and the support they're giving to us, during the whole career,also thanks to my lovely girlfriend and family "
*Said Louis with a huge smile but with faded voice*

« he mentioned Eleanor in the podcast i think it was because magnament was there controlling their words and their steps, i guess so»

"And what do you think guys about the last fact about the crash that happened this morning guys?"
* The podcaster asked curiously *

" we want to say to the family to that little fan, stay strong guys, your daughter will get well soon, and lot's of love from Liam,Louis,Harry, niall and Zayn" *zayn said*

«I was so glad that they noticed about me and they sent me some support and love.. through a podcast»

Was weird that Liam mentioned Sophia as someone who was there for him to support his career and to give him love
But who knows maybe he's a bit private and quiet about it
Well it's nothing that i have to worry, Liam, himself told in an interview that he's really quiet and he doesn't like to talk a lot about his life, he's enough judgued by his shap,and made it clear on social media last month..

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