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Actually i loved this place,

i liked a lot London,

as i said it was my favourite

place to live,

people were so kind and friendly,

i had a lot of  friends here,

thanks to trinity college,

also have to admit that i always

wanted to date a british man,

they were better and classy than

american men.

Next day i was better than


the stomach bug had disappeared

and gone

I felt much better and i went out to make some footing again and enjoy the british sun and weather

Til i came across Sophia and Perrie

"Oh no,run.." - y/n said worried

" Wait!" - Perrie said

"I'm not going to hurt you, just wanted to talk you about the incidents and have a talk"

- Perrie said

We had a long talk and discovered that

Liam and Sophie were only acting

and that Liam was actually single,

but that image could make him

feel a bit weak,

but Liam was attaching to her,

even though she treated him

like only a pocket

with money

Well this proved me one more

time that not everything you think

is what it looks like.

One thing took another and we

became good friends,

only we could chat by DMs and


With the time we could meet up

each other in Lambertine

And she told me she's dating Zayn

and that they were really ok

or that's what she told me about


She was better than Sophie,

and Sophie was a mate from my


i think she was jealous of me,

because she was  pretty

but not kind,

and kindness always win

and i was really friendly and



Decided to spend the noon taking a nap,

firstly i laid on my couch and

watched some movies

or tv channels..

Half a heart [[1D Fan Fiction]] 🏷️Where stories live. Discover now