Chapter Two

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~Regan's POV~

I woke up and sighed as I realized my siblings were leaving this morning.

I quickly got up and ran to my bathroom. Mom knocked from the outside. "Clothes are on your bed. Breakfast will be done soon." The sound of retreating footsteps filled my ears.

I started the shower and started scrubbing the sweat off of my body. I grabbed my favorite strawberry body wash and put it all over my body.

I quickly got dressed and left the bathroom. I ran down the steps and into the kitchen. The mesmerizing smell of bacon filled my nose.

I sat at the bar next to Delly and she smiled at me.

"Hey lil sis. I'm gonna miss you." I smiled up and her and my mom set a plate full of bacon, and pancakes in front of me. I can't stand eggs. While I ate the boys ran into the kitchen and starting stuffing their faces.


I know the tour isn't going to last long but I still hope they come back soon. Even though I fight with them a lot I still care about them.

Mom and I stood outside the car and waved to them as they got in to the car and left for the airport so they could get on their tour bus. Mom and I smiled sadly at each other and she took me into a big hug.

"Don't worry sweets, They will be back in no time."


After I edit this I'm never reading it ever again lmao.


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